
ACCB is an ideal venue for journalists to cover the latest in conservation research and developments and report on new solutions to conservation challenges.

With conservation and social scientists, practitioners, policy experts, and government officials in attendance, ACCB provides a dynamic setting for journalists to connect with experts from the field and the stakeholders and policy makers whose decisions impact biodiversity conservation. 

We offer complimentary registration to accredited media representatives (journalists, editors, news photographers). Bloggers seeking press credentials must be affiliated with a conservation news site and have a history of posts to their name. Consideration will be given to student writers enrolled in journalism classes or who are involved in producing editorial content for university publications or conservation news outlets.

Unfortunately, we cannot cover travel or accomodations for press. 

Past media organizations to cover SCB conferences include New Scientist, Outside Magazine, National Geographic, MongaBay, Indo-Asian News Service, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Al Jazeera, The Guardian, Climatewire, and more. 

If you're interested in covering ACCB 2024, please email accbsteeringcommittee (@) conbio (dot) org.