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ACCB 2024 Program

The 4th ACCB 2024 will take place at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, in Moshi, Tanzania, from October 19-21, 2024. Join us as we celebrate conservation and its frontliners in Africa! 

ACCB Scientific Program Schedule Overview
The ACCB Scientific Program features five types of sessions held across three days. Sessions will take place across four lecture halls and two plenary halls, in increments of 90-minutes. Please see below for the types of sessions held at ACCB.
Sessions designed for 90 minutes include regular symposia, and lunchtime workshops, training courses, and roundtable discussions. Additionally, ACCB will host limited extended sessions lasting 180 minutes, which include extended symposia and symposia with roundtable discussions. These longer sessions are either split into two consecutive 90-minute segments or divided by a lunch break. 
ACCB Agenda

You can find the ACCB 2024 Agenda on the Whova mobile App under the tab “ Agenda” or on the ACCB 2024 Whova web app here. You will need to log in to view the agenda. 

ACCB App: Download Now! 
Our agenda is now available on our app. 
Get our official event app,
For Blackberry or Windows Phone, Click here
For feature details, visit Whova
ACCB Invited Presenters

If you are an invited presenter in a lunchtime session, you are required to submit your abstract and link it to your respective session using this Invited Abstracts Submission Form by 30 September, 2024. 

ACCB Call for Contributed Presentations: Closed

ACCB was accepting submissions for abstracts in contributed presentations (oral and speed talks and poster presentations) until 28 July, 2024
Use this form to submit your proposal for a contributed presentation.

*Please Note: ACCB 2024 follows a "One Talk or Poster" rule, which means you may present one talk or poster total at ACCB.
Definitions of Presentations in Contributed Sessions

Contributed sessions are 90-minutes in length and feature talks grouped by topic. 

Oral Presentation: Oral presentations share your research with participants in a contributed session and include an opportunity to interact with the audience. Oral presentations demonstrate why your research is valid and matters for conservation and explain the outcomes or expected outcomes of your research. Oral presentations are presented in 12-minutes in length, followed by a three-minute question and answer period with the audience.

Speed Presentation: Like oral presentations, speed talks aim to inform and convey to the audience why your research matters for conservation. They provide a rapid and intense overview of your research. Speed presentations are conducted in 5-minutes or less and feature a brief audience Q&A.

Poster Presentation: Poster presentations are organized in special Poster Sessions at a time that does not compete with Contributed Sessions or other ACCB events. Posters are a visual and concise way to showcase conservation science and projects that provide opportunities to interact with a wide audience. Since a poster format is best when your material can easily be communicated visually, text should be limited to brief statements. Each presentation should make a unified, coherent statement.  
Questions? Please email accbsteeringcommittee@conbio.org.

ACCB Call for Proposals: Closed
See Proposal Submission Forms Below

ACCB 2024 was accepting submissions for Symposia and lunchtime Workshops, Training Courses, and Roundtable Discussions! The deadline to submit proposals has passed.

Use the forms below to submit your proposal! Please be sure to understand the difference between the different session types (see below) before submitting your proposal. 

Please note: ACCB follows the "One Proposal" rule, which means that all delegates are limited to one-proposal total (across all categories). 

ACCB 2024 Proposal Submission Forms

The call for abstracts for contributed presentations (oral and speed talks and poster presentations) will open soon.

ACCB Session Types

ACCB 2024 features five session types. 

  • Symposia: Thematically-focused sessions that feature speakers invited by symposia organizers to present their insights, perspectives and research on the theme of the symposium.
  • Contributed Presentations: Presentations grouped into general sessions by topic. Contributed sessions are scheduled in 90-minute increments with five speakers in each session. 
  • Workshops: Whether geared toward students or professionals, workshops are interactive and often have an educational / technical component. They share an approach, scientific finding, or technology that provides practical solutions for conservation challenges.
  • Training Courses: Provide opportunities for registered delegates to receive expert-led education and training on topics relevant for biodiversity conservation, including strategy, capacity building and project management. 
  • Roundtable Discussions: Bring together people with diverse expertise to develop tangible and actionable outputs — such as a list of recommendations, a publication, a policy briefing or a white paper — on a specific conservation issue. Roundtable Discussions are meant for discussion, collaboration, brainstorming, etc. They are not meant to consist of a series of presentations. Roundtable Discussions typically have a smaller number of participants (10-30 maximum) than training courses or workshops.
Plenary Speaker Nominations: Closed

In our pursuit of thought-provoking and relatable plenary talks, the ACCB 2024 is giving the African conservation community a chance to nominate plenary speakers. We are looking for speakers who have made a major contribution to the science or practice of conservation in Africa. Talks that are broadly relevant to an African audience, and contributions in an African context, are a priority. Speakers can be from any career stage. Self-nominations are permitted. The committee hopes that proposed speakers are uniquely positioned to address the theme of ACCB (Celebrating Africa's Unsung Conservation Heros: Rangers and local communities on the frontline).

How to Submit Your Nomination
Please send your suggestions (one only) to the ACCB Steering Committee at accbsteeringcommittee (at) conbio (dot) org by 26 June, 2024.
Your email should include the following:
  • Your suggested speaker's full name, including their affiliation, email address and country
  • A statement on why the conservation community in Africa will benefit from hearing from your proposed speaker (100 words or less)
  • A statement on the contribution to biodiversity conservation your proposed speaker has made, particularly in Africa (100 words or less)
  • Your connection to your proposed speaker, if applicable.