Asia Region Board of Directors
The Asia Region of the Society for Conservation Biology has an international following of members that support conservation in the Asian Region. The Board of Directors is an elected body that facilitates the goals and activities of the Region.
Current Members
Koustubh Sharma
Mohammad Farhadinia
Pramod Kumar Yadav
Aishwarya Maheshwari
Munib Khanyari
Ronald Juanito Maliao
Sayan Banerjee
Hana Raza
Niloufar Raeesi Chahartaghi
Wulan Pusparini
Future Members
If you are interested in being a member of the Asia Board you must be a member of SCB and a member of the Region. Generally 2 to 4 board members are elected annually. The Call for Nominations goes out in September or October and the election runs in October or November. Each year Region members receive an email about the open positions and the start of the election process. For more information about getting involved with this board, please email the Asia Region Board.