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Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for some of the most frequently asked questions about ICCB 2025. 

What is the One-Talk, One-Poster Rule? 

Attendees are limited to one talk total (this includes oral and speed talks in contributed sessions and invited talks in symposia) and one poster presentation total. You can give a talk and a poster, but only if the topics are different. 

How many abstracts may I submit for ICCB? 

You may submit one abstract for a contributed talk (select between oral or speed talk) and one abstract for a poster (provided the research in your abstract for the talk and poster are from different research projects - see next FAQ).

I'm presenting a talk and a poster at ICCB. Can I use the same research for both presentations? 

No. If you present a talk and a poster, the research presented must be from different research projects. 

I'm an invited speaker in a symposium. May I also present an oral or speed talk in a contributed session? 

No. An invited speaker in a symposium is not allowed to present a talk in a contributed session (and vice versa).

May I submit an abstract for an oral talk and a speed talk? 

No. Please select the type of talk that works best for you.

Can I submit two proposals?

You may submit up to two proposals for ICCB, but no more than one proposal for category. For example, you can submit a proposal for a symposium and a workshop, but not for two symposia.

Does ICCB accept volunteers?

Yes, we do accept volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering during the conference, you will be able to express your interest in volunteering when you register. We prioritize volunteers from low and middle income countries and the Pacific Islands and students. 

When is the registration deadline, what is the cost, and where does one register? 

Early bird registration is open until April 15th. You can register and view registration rates here

What are the accommodation options in Meanjin/Brisbane, what is the cost, and where does one book them?

You can find information on various types of accommodation to suit your budget, including websites and the distance to the main conference venue, here

When will the field trips be announced?

Field trip sign up is now open. You can find the available field trips, dates, descriptions, costs and the link to sign up here

How are abstracts grouped into sessions at ICCB, and where can I find examples of past sessions?

Abstracts are grouped by topic into contributed sessions. The titles of these sessions reflect the topics of the grouped abstracts, ensuring each session is cohesive and focused. For example, abstracts on similar themes such as "Biodiversity, Inventory, Monitoring, and Mapping" might be combined into a single contributed session. For an idea of the types of contributed sessions you can expect at ICCB, you can review the 2023 program. Here are two useful resources:

A high-level overview of the 2023 contributed sessions and symposia.
A detailed view of the program that shows the abstracts grouped into each session (focus on the days starting Monday through Thursday, with most contributed sessions occurring from Tuesday to Thursday).

Note: In addition to contributed sessions, ICCB also includes symposia with invited abstracts only.