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ICCB 2025 Program

ICCB will feature over 140 sessions during the main scientific program, including symposia, contributed sessions, poster sessions, and plenary talks. ICCB will also host a variety of pre-congress workshops, training sessions, and round table discussions. 

The call for symposia, forums, workshops and training courses (interactive sessions) is now closed and the Call for Abstracts is open! We hope to have decisions on proposals for all symposia and interactive sessions by mid-December.  Because of the huge number of applications (>150) we will be asking many people to reduce extended symposia to regular symposia (5 talks) and/or speed symposia (10 talks). 

ICCB 2025 Program Schedule

  • 14-15 June: Pre-congress sessions
  • 15 June: Opening keynote / ceremony
  • 16-19 June: Main scientific program 
  • 20 June: Post-congress sessions

More information about the Session Types is available here.

Open Calls

The Call for Abstracts is now open! Deadline: 21 February, 2025. Learn more on our Sessions page.

The deadline for invited speakers to submit and link their abstracts to their respective symposium has been extended to 1 April. This extension separates the abstract submission deadline for invited speakers from the upcoming submission deadline for oral and speed talks and poster presentations in contributed sessions (21 February).  

Please log in here to access the ICCB 2025 submission site. You can sign in using your SCB credentials. You have SCB credentials if you are a current or former member of the Society, or if you've previously created an account with SCB to submit an abstract or to register for ICCB 2021 / 2023. New to SCB? Create an account, and then you'll then be redirected to the ICCB site to submit.

Questions? Send an email to ICCBteam@conbio.org.