Header image for 2024 Conference Theme

Weaving Together the Paths of Conservation

Why did we choose this logo?

The 2024 Congress selected this theme because we believe in the necessity of building, ourselves, the path that will guide us in conservation. We use the word "weaving" to acknowledge the legacy of our ancestors, who embedded their stories, legends, worldview, and relationship with nature into their textiles. Similarly, "weaving the path to conservation" requires inclusion and unity. Conservation is not just an academic effort; it also involves civil society, ancestral communities, collectives, NGOs, and decision-makers who together construct this path.

The chosen location is Quito, Ecuador. It is important to remember that this country is one of the most biodiverse in the world, with 91 ecosystems ranging from tropical forests, páramos, mountains, mangroves, and beaches, also highlighting the Galápagos Islands. The geography of this territory has formed unique islands of biodiversity and endemism in the world. Furthermore, Ecuador is home to 14 indigenous nationalities, who over time have adapted and united to conserve their territory, building fronts of struggle and resistance. It is worth noting that the Constitution of Ecuador recognizes nature as a subject of rights to achieve "Sumak Kawsay," the good living.

The SCB LACA region will hold this congress jointly with the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, recognizing the trajectory of these centers in conservation research.

Handicrafts in Peguche, Imbabura-Ecuador
