Header image for Call for proposals


Proposals for symposia, interactive sessions, short courses, workshops and Side events will be accepted until September 30, 2024. Interactive sessions, symposia and Side events will be held from November 26 to 28, 2024, at the PUCE. Short courses and workshops will be held from November 22 to 25, 2024, at the PUCE and the USFQ. Notifications about the status of proposals will be sent by mid October, 2024.

Selecting the Category for Your Proposal

Carefully consider the objectives and themes that best fulfill your goals. Your proposal will only be evaluated in the category you choose. We appreciate your flexibility, as in some cases we may need to shorten the time allocated to some sessions for planning purposes. Any changes will be communicated to the organizers in advance.


  • SYMPOSIA (75 minutes – 2 hours)

Symposia consist of a series of formal presentations on a common topic, often followed by a panel discussion. They allow for an in-depth exploration of a key conservation question or problem in research, management, or policy. Symposia are included in the main three days of the congress (main scientific program) and are scheduled concurrently with talks. Organizers propose a specific theme, select and invite speakers, and moderate the sessions. Although symposia may include a forum for discussion, they are generally less interactive than workshops and discussion sessions.

  • INTERACTIVE SESSIONS (60 minutes – 2 hours)

Interactive sessions do not have a defined structure and could include, for example, a series of brief presentations, discussion groups, screenings, storytelling, or any combination thereof. They can cover a wide range of topics and are designed to give organizers the flexibility to create a unique session that anticipates significant outcomes and may contribute to work beyond the congress. This type of session emphasizes shared learning among facilitators, speakers, and attendees and can take place during the main scientific program.

  • WORKSHOPS (75 minutes – 16 hours)

 Workshops are more interactive than symposia and generally have an educational component, regardless of whether they are aimed at students or professionals. To minimize conflict with symposia and presented papers, workshops are usually scheduled for the days before or after the main scientific program.

  • SHORT COURSES (75 minutes – 16 hours)

 Short courses provide training on key topics relevant to conservation practice for students or any other professionals. Preference will be given to proposals that cover tools or concepts that participants can easily share with others. Short courses will be scheduled for the days before or after the main scientific program.

  • SIDE EVENTS (60 minutes – 2 hours)

 A "side event" is a complementary activity to the conference. These "parallel" events include various activities such as workshops, round tables, presentations, book or service launches, exhibitions, and networking activities. Their objectives are to delve into specific topics not covered in the conference, provide networking and collaboration opportunities between organizations, and diversify the activities available to attendees. These activities will take place during the main three days of the conference (main scientific program).


To increase the likelihood of your proposal being selected, carefully consider the following criteria:

  • Scientific merit of the proposal
  • Application to conservation
  • Overall coherence of the session and logical connection between individual presentations
  • Clear focus on any of the following areas: science, management, policy, education, gender, culture and art, or a coherent link between these areas
  • Relevance to the congress theme
  • Relevance to conservation issues in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Novelty of the topic
  • Diversity among invited speakers and organizers

Proposals must include the following information:

  • Title (maximum 150 characters)
  • Name(s), affiliation(s), and complete contact information of the organizer(s), including email address.
  • Session moderator and contact information.
  • Duration of the activity
  • Activity summary (limit of 300 words)
  • Detailed description of the activity, including the proposed topics, list of moderators or speakers with their affiliations and contact information, and if applicable, a session program (limit: 1500 words).
  • Suggested number of participants.
  • Special room arrangement is needed, if any.
  • Five keywords to aid in the review and scheduling of proposals.

Submit your proposal by filling out the form available at the following link: https://forms.gle/jhBg84uKnn4foLQq8. If you have any questions, email us at scblacacongress@gmail.com.

, Chimborazo Volcano, Reserva de Producción de Fauna Chimborazo, Chimborazo-Ecuador

© Ruben Vinueza Chérrez