This year, the organizing Committee LACA 2024  members are:


Eric Ramírez (BUAP, SCB-LACA)

Estefanía Sánchez Flores (SCB-LACA)

Amalia Bravo (SCB-LACA)

María Fernanda Checa. PhD. (PUCE)
Alejandra Robledo (USFQ)

Mayra Romero (WCS-Ecuador)




1. Scientific Committee: is responsible for developing and planning the scientific program for the congress, plans and coordinates the keynote speakers, debates, topics, etc. In addition, it coordinates and organizes the review of the different proposals.


In charge: Estefanía Sánchez Flores (SCB-LACA), Susana Cárdenas (USFQ), Carlos Carpio (ESPOCH), Mauricio Ortega and Caroline Bacquet (IKIAM) Ernesto Rodríguez (UCE), Paulina Aguirre, Fausto López (UTPL), Xavier Cornejo (UG ).


2. Student and Awards Committee: coordinates the competitions for the best student presentations in their different modalities and collaborates with the local committee to generate student activities.

In charge: Eneas Konzen (SCB-LACA)


3. Diversity Inclusion and Gender Committee: Works on initiatives to represent diversity, inclusion and gender in the local context and helps generate an inclusive and safe environment for participants.


In charge:  Fernanda Checa (PUCE)


4. Communication Committee: Develops all communication for members and news, as well as organizes the content that will be presented about the congress in a way that publicizes the event, connects attendees and can connect with the community related to the conference

In charge:  Eric Ramírez (SCB-LACA), Mayra Romero (WCS-Ecuador).


5. Scholarship Committee: Works with the local committee and it is responsible for supervising travel scholarships, preparing the call, the reviewing process, and winner selection.


In charge: Alejandra Robledo (USFQ)


6. ⁠Planning Committee: Specific for people living in Quito or the region, ensures that the conference incorporates local culture into the program, identifies the different activities that could be carried out and compiles local information for attendees, generates ideas of entertainment and education for the opening and closing ceremonies in a way that represents the local culture, is responsible for identifying and selecting volunteers who can help coordinate local logistics.


In charge: Fernanda Checa (PUCE), Estefanía Sánchez Flores (SCB-LACA)