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We encourage the submission of abstracts and proposals that prioritize diversity and collaboration among speakers and organizers, whether individuals or groups, involved in innovative conservation practices, be it research or practice. Priority will be given to proposals and abstracts that support the theme “Weaving together the paths of Conservation”. Proposals must demonstrate alignment with the four objectives of the SCB, as well as the two new objectives proposed by the LACA Conservation Biology Congress 2024 Local Organizing Committee:

  • Conservation Science – Facilitate the creation and dissemination of conservation science using scientific research and the knowledge needed to understand biodiversity conservation.
  • Management for Conservation – Provide the necessary scientific information and recommendations to resource managers to conserve biodiversity at all scales.
  • Policy – Inform and improve policy decisions of international conventions, governments, organizations, and foundations with the highest quality scientific advice, analysis, and recommendations to advance biodiversity conservation.
  • Education – Identify, strengthen, and develop education, training, and outreach programs focused on informing the public, educational leaders, and supporting current and future generations of conservation scientists and practitioners.
  • Gender – Gender influences biodiversity conservation through differentiated roles and unequal access to resources. Including gender in decision-making improves the effectiveness of conservation initiatives. Furthermore, gender inequalities can intensify vulnerability to climate change.
  • Culture and Art – Integrating art and culture in conservation efforts fosters a sense of identity and belonging, motivating people to actively participate in conserving their natural and cultural heritage. Artistic expressions communicate powerful messages that inspire communities to value their environment, while cultural traditions promote the recognition of ancestral legacies and the recovery of sustainable practices of our peoples.



Proposals and abstracts can be aligned with the following thematic axes and their respective sub-axes:


Sub axes



Wildlife management

Threatened species

Invasive species


Population dynamics

Conservation genetics



Ecosystem and landscape ecology

Ecological restoration management

Urban ecology


Marine-coastal and terrestrial ecosystems

Watershed management,



Human Dimensions and Policies



Cultural diversity and conservation

Environmental education

Environmental communication and scientific dissemination

Environmental impact

Environmental legislation and policies

Civil society organizations for conservation

Equity, Inclusion, Diversity

Adaptation to Global Change and Resilience


Environmental and ecological economics


Climate change

Applied Strategies and Technologies



Environmental remediation

Ex-situ management

In-situ management

Geographic information systems

Environmental monitoring

Veterinary applied to conservation