Header image for Call for abstracts


Abstract submission is open until October 20, 2024, for all axes and categories, but priority will be given to abstracts linked to the ADAPTATION TO GLOBAL CHANGE & RESILIENCE axis or those that are part of a symposium or interactive session. The scientific committee will review the abstracts, and acceptance will be based on scientific accuracy and alignment with the congress theme.

The decision will be made by mid October 2024. The selection process is highly competitive, so a careful reading of the information is required. Early notification will provide sufficient time to take advantage of early registration. To be included in the congress program, payment must be completed during the early or regular registration period.



Oral presentations are 15 minutes long: 12 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for questions. Presentations will be grouped according to the axis/sub-axis, so please choose the most appropriate axis proposed. If your abstract is accepted but cannot be accommodated as an oral presentation, we will offer you the opportunity to present it in other available formats. For oral presentations, only those aligned with the ADAPTATION TO GLOBAL CHANGE & RESILIENCE axe will be accepted.


Speed talk presentations are 5 minutes long, summarizing ongoing research or studies in a particular field and are grouped by specific axes or themes. After the presentations, there will be time for presenters to talk one-on-one with attendees about their projects. If your project's theme could be of broad interest and you would like your presentation to lead to a more in-depth conversation or debate, you can opt for this presentation option. Similarly, choose the most appropriate axis for the presentation. If your abstract is accepted but cannot be accommodated as a rapid presentation, we will offer you the opportunity to present it in other available formats.


Posters are visual and concise tools to showcase scientific projects and advancements, ensuring a unique opportunity to interact with a wide audience. They will be displayed during the poster session within the main three days of the scientific program.


 Creative presentations are designed to present research projects innovatively and creatively, reaching a wider audience. You can present using dance, costume design, visual arts, songs, poems, a play, video, storytelling, art, among others. Describe in detail how you plan to make the presentation and what technique you will use. Also, describe the elements you will need to present your idea during the congress (sound, projector, computer, etc.). Presentations should not exceed 5 minutes. If you need additional time, please indicate this in the registration.


  • Anyone can submit an abstract.
  • Proposals and presentations can be in Spanish or English.
  • To ensure the conference is as diverse as possible, no more than two abstracts per person may be submitted, and one person cannot give more than one presentation per category.
  • All topics related to biodiversity conservation are considered eligible.
  • Authors must select the axis that best fits their abstract based on the proposed sub-axes.

Author Registration

To be included in the LACA 2024 Conservation Biology Conference program, presenters must be registered and have paid the full registration fee by the regular registration deadline of October 31, 2024. Presenters are encouraged to take use of the early bird registration discount which ends September 30, 2024. Authors who do not comply with this rule will not be included in the conference program.

Information Required for Submission

  • Author contact information
  • Abstract title: The title will appear in the Program and abstract book exactly as written. Use capitalization for the first word and all proper nouns.
  • Abstract axis: Based on the 5 macro axes
  • Preferred presentation format: Oral, Speed Talk Presentation, Poster, Creative Presentation (If submitting an abstract for a symposium, select oral presentation).
  • Alternative presentation format: If we cannot accommodate your presentation in the desired format, indicate if you would like to be considered for another presentation format.
  • For students only: If you are a student, indicate your level (undergraduate, master's, or doctoral). Also, indicate if you would like to be considered for the student competition.
  • Symposium abstracts: If your abstract is part of a symposium, select "yes" and provide the symposium title.
  • Abstract for social media.

All abstracts must be submitted online via the link https://forms.gle/tmskJkjqS1xYn1629. Only abstracts submitted electronically through the application format before October 20, 2024, will be considered.

Review and Notification of Abstracts

After the deadline for submitting abstracts, they will be evaluated by the scientific committee. Incomplete abstracts will not be processed or evaluated. To ensure the integrity of the review process, revisions will not be accepted after the submission deadline, without exception. SCB-LACA will notify authors of the status of their October 2024. The submitting author is responsible for notifying all co-authors of the decision.

Withdrawal of Abstracts

All withdrawal requests can only be made by the person who submitted the abstract and must be made in writing to the email: scblacacongress@gmail.com. Withdrawal from the program cannot be guaranteed if the request is received after mid October, 2024.

IMPORTANT: The submitting author is the only point of contact for all co-authors, so LACA will direct all questions to this person.

Ceibos in Dry Forest, Manabí-Ecuador