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We invite you to participate in these workshops that will be held at LACA 2024, we will have a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences in favor of conservation.

1.  3 Capacity-Building Activities Co-Designed with Mangrove Custodians

Description: Working with coastal communities is crucial for the conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems. In this workshop, we aim to share the experience with 3 associations of crabbers and fishers from Naranjal and Balao who participated in a capacity-building process. Together, we co-designed 3 training activities focused on time management, youth participation, and resource protection (3P).

Name of organizer and Affiliation: Ángel Israel Freire Díaz, Francesca Torres- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Language: Spanish
Duration of the activity: 2 hours
Number of participants: 30
Date: Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 14:00 to 16:00
Location: Auditorio 1 Torre 1

Registration: open at the following link

2. Empowering Women in Conservation: Leadership and Innovation in Latin America

Description: This workshop highlights women's role in conservation efforts in Latin America. It will focus on showcasing leadership and innovative strategies spearheaded by women to preserve biodiversity and promote sustainable practices. The event will provide a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing successful projects, and fostering collaboration among participants. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges and triumphs of women in the field of conservation and be inspired to take action in their communities.

Name of organizer and Affiliation: Maria Claudia Segovia Salcedo, Sofia Cabrera- Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Language: Spanish
Duration of the activity: 4 hours
Number of participants: 25-50
Date: Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 8:30 to 13:00
Location: Auditorio 1 Torre 1

Registration: open at the following link

3. From Planning to Implementation: A Review of Management, Measurement, and Communication of Results

Description: Educational programs do not consider real-life skills, such as project management, which can be useful in daily activities. Conservationists often learn on the go, which can delay or even halt conservation initiatives. Therefore, it is essential to have a general understanding of management processes, accounting, and communication. This workshop will introduce participants to the fundamental principles of the management cycle, accounting processes, and communication strategies, and how these can be adapted to conservation efforts. Finally, we will discuss how to evaluate a project and build different indicators. By improving their communication and project management skills, participants will be better equipped to achieve their conservation goals and create a lasting impact.

Name of organizer and Affiliation: Osvaldo Eric Ramírez Bravo- Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Language: Spanish
Duration of the activity: 4 hours
Number of participants: 15
Date: Wednesday 27  November 2024
Time: 11:30 to 15:00
Location: Aula 104 Facultad de Química

Registration: open at the following link

4. Introduction to Developing, Implementing, and Monitoring Conservation Proposals and Projects Using Conservation Standards

Description: This workshop provides brief presentations on the principles and practices of Conservation Standards, followed by interactive, hands-on exercises in pairs or small groups. Participants will engage in active learning to master the basics of how to: 1) define the project scope and mission statement, 2) form an effective conservation team, 3) identify conservation objectives, 4) identify threats to these objectives and assess their severity, 5) develop and prioritize strategies to mitigate the threats, 6) clearly think through the logic and steps involved in the success of these strategies, and 7) establish indicators and objectives to track progress and facilitate adaptive communication and management.

Name of organizer and Affiliation: James Goetz; Omar Monzón Carmon- Vermont Center for Ecostudies
Language: Spanish
Duration of the activity: 6 hours
Number of participants: 7-25
Date: Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 8:30 to 15:00
Location: Auditorio 3 Torre 1

Registration: open at the following link

5. Storytelling Applied to Biodiversity Conservation

Description: This workshop is an educational experience designed to train participants in creating and disseminating narratives that promote awareness and action around biodiversity conservation. Throughout the session, key elements of storytelling are addressed, such as defining the intention and key message, creating emotional plots, and using language and imagery to capture attention and generate empathy with audiences. The workshop begins with a theoretical introduction to the importance of storytelling in communicating environmental issues, highlighting how well-told stories can mobilize people to act in favor of nature. Participants then explore successful cases where storytelling has played a crucial role in conservation campaigns. The practical part of the workshop includes exercises to identify and develop powerful stories based on real conservation situations. Participants work in groups to design and present narratives that address specific biodiversity challenges, such as protecting endangered species or restoring degraded habitats.

Name of organizer and Affiliation: Tamara Bustos-Viteri- Museo Interactivo de Ciencia
Language: Spanish
Duration of the activity: 2 hours
Number of participants: 25-30
Date: Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 16:00 to 18:00
Location: Auditorio 1 Torre 1

Registration: open at the following link

6. Status of Conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Description: In this workshop, we aim to generate additional information and suggestions based on the survey on conservation status that has been distributed in various countries. During the workshop, we will present the results obtained and simultaneously engage in a discussion with the attendees to generate proposals that can assist the region.

Name of organizer and Affiliation: Osvaldo Eric Ramírez Bravo- Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Language: Spanish
Duration of the activity: 2 hours
Number of participants: 15
Date: Monday, November 25, 2024
Time: 16:00 to 18:00
Location: Auditorio 4 Torre 1

Registration: open at the following link

Workshop on Interpretive Materials for Sea Turtle Nesting Beaches - Esmeraldas, Ecuador

© Estefanía Sánchez Flores