Open call to recognize the work of a researcher, conservation practitioner, policymaker, community leader or other professional in the field of Conservation Biology in Ecuador!!!
This year, the Society for Conservation Biology – Latin America and Caribbean Region (SCB-LACA) is holding the 4th LACA conference, organized with two of the most renowned universities in Ecuador, the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), and that will take place in the city of Quito, Ecuador, from November 25-29, 2024. Within the conference program, this is an opening call to recognize the work of a researcher, conservation practitioner, policymaker, community leader or other professional in the field of Conservation Biology in Ecuador, who has been a proven contributor in the field.
By holding the conference in Ecuador, we believed it to be an opportunity to recognize the important work of this professional for the country and to a better world in line with the following types of work:
- conservation and/or sustainable managements of conservation units;
- implementation of sustainable productive systems: agroforestry, management of conservation units with non-timber or related products;
- conservation practices toward animals vulnerable to extinction, captivity breeding and related initiatives;
- plant conservation, domestication and breeding;
- policies for environmental protection and conservation;
- oceanic life conservation and artisanal fishery;
- forests, grasslands and highlands vegetation conservation;
- green cities;
- leadership in governmental and non-governmental initiatives of conservation;
- any other activities related to biological conservation that one might consider appropriate and of significant/outstanding contribution in the field.
Eligible nominees
A researcher, policymaker, conservation professional, environmental authority, community leader, prominent representative of Indigenous communities or the Afro-Ecuadorian community, or any professional with a significant contribution to the field of conservation biology in Ecuador. As an additional criterion, candidates with over 20 years of experience in this field who have made notable contributions will be considered.
How to apply?
The application should be conducted by a third party subscribing the hereafter referred as nominee with:
- a letter substantiating the recommendation with the following information: full name, position, institution, address, and contact information; a briefing on their career, with main affiliations so far; a statement of the reasons as to why that person should be awarded with the recognition; any other information that might be relevant; name and signature of the one submitting the application;
- a short CV of the proposed candidate, demonstrating the current and past affiliations, main activities related to conservation, including projects (diverse types of initiatives, not limited no research), and publications (if a researcher);
- a short statement (<150 words) of the proposer as to why the nominee should be considered for the award.
Selection of the awardees
A committee will be responsible for selecting the awardee from the nominees. The selection committee should involve two members of the Conference committee and two external referees for evaluation.
The award/recognition will be announced during the 4th LACA Conference, between 25 and 29th of November, 2024. Two awardees should be announced: one for a researcher in the field; and one of any other professional in conservation biology.
Who can subscribe and which is the deadline?
Self-nominations will not be accepted. A third party should send the letter, CV and short statement attached trough our online form here. Applications should be made between August 1st and October 31st. The selection process will take place between October and early November, and the results must be announced before 15 November 2024.
The awardees will be invited to participate in the conference for free. They will be granted an opportunity to deliver a Oral Presentation on their contributions and receive a diploma of the award.
Monitoring station for hatchling olive ridley turtles in Reserva Marina Galera San Francisco, Esmeraldas-Ecuador, Biologist Rubén Vinueza Chérrez.
© Estefania Sanchez Flores