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ICCB 2023 Session Types 

ICCB 2023 Program Schedule

  • 22 - 23 July: Pre-congress sessions
  • 23 July: Opening keynote / ceremony
  • 24 - 27 July: Main scientific program 
ICCB may open a late breaking Call for Abstracts for posters only.

ICCB 2023 Session Types

ICCB symposia feature multiple speakers who present their insights, perspectives and research on a focused conservation theme, topic, or issue through scientific talks and audience interaction.

Three types of symposia take place during that main scientific program:

  • Regular Symposia are 90-minutes and the most common session type at ICCB. Regular symposia feature five 12-minute talks, each followed by three-minute question and answer, and include a 15-minute general discussion period.  
  • Extended Symposia are 180-minutes and require a special justification. Extended symposia break after 90-minutes and regroup at the start of the next parallel session. They feature ten 12-minute talks, each followed by a three-minute question and answer, and include a 30-minute general discussion period. The symposium organizer decides on how to schedule the 30-minutes of general discussion (i.e. split evenly between the first and second part of the symposium or held entirely within the first or second part of the symposium, etc)
  • Symposia with Roundtable Discussion are 180-minutes and combine a regular symposium (part 1) with a roundtable discussion (part 2). Symposia with roundtable discussion allow for a deep and broad introduction of a topic in the first 90-minutes (structured like a regular symposium) followed by the development of tangible and actionable outputs in the 90-minute roundtable discussion period. 

Download the Guidelines and Expectations for ICCB 2023 Symposium Organizers.

Roundtable Discussions
Roundtable Discussions bring together people with diverse expertise to develop tangible and actionable outputs — such as a list of recommendations, a publication, a policy briefing or a white paper  — on a specific conservation issue. Roundtable Discussions are meant for discussion, collaboration, brainstorming, etc. They are not meant to consist of a series of presentations.

Roundtable Discussions typically have a smaller number of participants (10-30 maximum) than training courses or workshops. Roundtable Discussions take place 22-23 July and at lunchtime during the main scientific program (24-27 July). They may require a separate fee for participants in addition to the congress registration fee.

Training Courses
Training Courses provide opportunities for registered delegates to receive expert-led education and training on topics relevant for biodiversity conservation, including strategy and project management. ICCB 2023 prioritizes training courses that advance capacity for conservation action in Africa, though topics may be broadly applicable for global conservation solution / capacity building.

Training Courses may last up to three full days (8 hours each day) and take 22-23 July and at lunchtime during the main scientific program (24-27 July). They may require a separate fee for participants in addition to the congress registration fee.

Workshops, whether geared toward students or professionals, are more interactive than training courses and often have an educational / technical component. Workshops share an approach, scientific finding, or technology that provides practical solutions for conservation challenges.

Workshops may last up to three full days and take place  22-23 July and at lunchtime during the main scientific program (24-27 July). They may require a separate fee for participants in addition to the congress registration fee.

Contributed Presentations
Contributed presentations are grouped into sessions by topic and are scheduled in 90-minute sessions. Abstracts for contributed presentations should be no more than 250 words. 

  • Oral Talks 
    Oral presentations share your research with participants in your contributed session and include an opportunity to interact with the audience. Oral presentations demonstrate why your research is valid and matters for conservation and explain the outcomes or expected outcomes of your research. Oral presentations are presented in 12-minutes in length, followed by a three-minute question and answer period with the audience.  
  • Speed Talks
    Like oral presentations, speed talks aim to inform and convey to the audience why your research matters for conservation. They provide a rapid and intense overview of your research. Speed presentations are conducted in 5-minutes or less and feature a brief audience Q&A.  
  • Poster Presentations
    Poster presentations are a visual and concise way to showcase conservation science and projects that provide opportunities to interact with a wide audience. Since a poster format is best when your material can easily be communicated visually, text should be limited to brief statements. Each presentation should make a unified, coherent statement. 

Poster Guidelines 

There are some useful tips for designing your poster presentation here

Poster Size:

  • 95cm wide (0.95 meters) x 115cm high/tall (1.15 meters). Portrait Orientation.

Hanging Your Poster

Poster Session 1:  Monday, 24 July, 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM

Set-up Time: Sunday 23 July 12:00 pm through Monday before the Poster sessions begins

Take-down time: No later than 12:00 pm Tuesday - Please be courteous of the Tuesday poster session presenters and ensure your poster is taken down by this time. 

Poster Session 2: Tuesday 25 July, 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM

Set-up Time: 1:00 pm Tuesday up until the poster session begins. *Do not hang posters before this time so as not to interfere with Monday posters.

Take-down Time: No later than 12:00 pm on Wednesday.

Printing your poster: We encourage poster presenters to bring their posters to ICCB. However - for those who would like to print locally - we recommend that you contact the below local printers for assistance. 

  • Shades and Colours: shades.n.colors.rw@gmail.com, shades.rwanda@gmail.com
  • NDAGABA LTD: ceondabagaltd@gmail.com

If you print locally, it’s important that you provide all details and the poster file to the printer by 7 July (the sooner the better). 

For the most efficient service, please use a clear subject line (i.e. “ICCB 2023 Poster Print Request”), provide your file(s) in advance of the 7 July deadline, and include the dimensions of your poster in the email request: 95cm W x 115cm H (portrait orientation).

Delegates can pick up their posters in-person from the printer or take advantage of the inexpensive delivery option and have the printer bring your poster directly to the Kigali Convention Center on Sunday 23 July. You can confirm these details with the printer. 

We request that you keep Bruce Murekezi from the ICCB local conference planning company Planitswiss in copy if you organize a delivery from the local printer to the Kigali Convention Center. 

We expect poster presenters to work directly with their preferred printer on all details. ICCB does not provide support for printing posters. If you have questions, kindly contact ICCBTeam@conbio.org. 


Poster Board Panel Size: The full panel is 95cm wide x 236cm long. Please make your poster 95cm wide x 115cm tall.

ICCB One-Talk, One Poster Rule

Attendees may present one talk and one poster. This rule applies to contributed sessions and invited talks in symposia. For example, an invited speaker in a symposium may not present an oral or speed talk in a contributed session, and vice versa. If you give a poster presentation and a talk, the presentations must be on different, unrelated research projects. You may not submit more than two abstracts total (one for a talk and one for a poster). Questions? See the FAQ below on abstract submission and the one-talk, one poster rule. 

ICCB also follows a one-proposal rule. You may not submit more than one proposal total (ie select one category between symposia, roundtable discussion, training course, or workshop).

FAQ on the One-Talk, One-Poster Rule / Abstract Submission Limit

What is the One-Talk, One-Poster Rule? 
Attendees are limited to one talk total (this includes oral and speed talks in contributed sessions and invited talks in symposia) and one poster presentation total. 

How many abstracts may I submit for ICCB? 
You may submit one abstract for a contributed talk (select between oral or speed talk) and one abstract for a poster (provided the research in your abstract for the talk and poster are from different research projects - see next FAQ).

I'm presenting a talk and a poster at ICCB. Can I use the same research for both presentations? 
No. If you present a talk and a poster, the research presented must be from different research projects. 

I'm an invited speaker in a symposium. May I also present an oral or speed talk in a contributed session? 
No. An invited speaker in a symposium is not allowed to present a talk in a contributed session (and vice versa).

May I submit an abstract for an oral talk and a speed talk? 
No. Please select the type of talk that works best for you. See the difference between an oral and speed talk here.