ECCB2018 Symposia and workshops
The titles are tentative. Final titles will be published together with the detailed programme. Only invited authors can submit abstracts to these symposia and workshops.
- To identify and manage climatic microrefugia and stepping stones
- Large carnivores and zoos as catalysts for biodiversity conservation: how do we engage the public in the protection of biodiversity?
- Best practices in increasing biodiversity in European forests on a landscape scale
- From conservation genetics to conservation genomics to synthetic biodiversity
- The no net loss goal and challenges of biodiversity offsets implementation for different stakeholders and contexts across Europe
- Reconciling conservation, ecosystem services and crop production in agricultural landscapes – the role of ecological intensification
- Woodpeckers as surrogate species to support forest biodiversity conservation in a changing world
- Advances in approaches for evaluating conservation impacts and their strength and limitations
- Rewilding prospects for reconciling biodiversity restoration and human well-being
- To manage or not to manage? – Effects of active interventions on forest biodiversity
- Conservation culturomics
- Sustainable forests for the society of the future
- A quick guide to IPBES, with special reference to the Europe Central Asia Assessment
- Human impacts on aquatic species and ecosystems
- Biocultural approaches to conservation: new tools for involving communities and promoting human-environmental wellbeing
- Biodiversity strongholds in a tamed landscape: new approaches to locate and conserve the last primary forests in Europe
- New directions in evaluation and learning for interventions to promote human-wildlife coexistence
- Agroecology: policy and governance
- Migratory salmonids as icons of conservation, restoration and rewilding of aquatic environments
- New perspectives on the natural environment and human wellbeing in the context of the sustainable development goals
- Connecting people and nature: the importance of diverse science communication
- Natural disturbance emulation in forest conservation and sustainable ecosystem management
- Evidence for forest biodiversity conservation: Recent scientific advances and future perspectives in temperate forests
- Conservation telecouplings
- Effects of conservation interventions on multiple ecosystem services: co-benefits, trade-offs, and decision-making
- Informed decision making for planetary wellbeing: the challenge of science-policy-society interfacing in the European context
- Connectivity conservation - safeguarding the future in a matrix of human-dominated landscapes
- The power of citizen science and big data to advance fungal conservation
- Biodiversity conservation and sustainable community well-being in China – challenges and opportunities
- New perspectives on the natural environment and human wellbeing in the context of the sustainable development goals
- The concept of ecological solidarity: a tool to implement the planetary wellbeing
- Towards sustainable businesses: Insights to sustainable corporate strategies and business models
- Integrated solutions for increased planetary wellbeing by restoring degraded habitats
- Does fragmentation have a negative impact?
- The diversity of biodiversity monitoring: aims, approaches, innovations, and policy contexts
- Technical workshop on environmental DNA in conservation management
- Community-driven place-based decision making
- Facilitating planetary well-being through collaboration with faith communities – why and how through the best practices project of the SCB Religion and Conservation Biology Working Group
- Advances in using social media data for conservation science
- Does EU matter for conservation? The birds and habitats directives from a Nordic perspective
- Conservation and management of transboundary large carnivore populations: challenges and opportunities
- Using role-playing experimental games to unlock conflicts between food security and biodiversity conservation
- Participating in and building on IPBES assessments in research and in policy
- Law and Well Being
- From fungi to flies: broadening the use of functional traits in conservation
- Did it matter? On measuring the impact of conservation biology research
- Nature-based intervention and well-being
- The future of conservation science through the eyes of young scientists
- Open data in conservation biology
- The green and the grey: roadless areas and future mobility
- Conservation innovation: from grassroots to governments
- Paths to efficient communication in conservation biology
- What is faith-based conservation? Towards a systematic definition of the synergies between religion and nature conservation
- Ecosystem services as effective environmental management tool for conservation biology