Class of 2020
Brenna Forester
“Integrating genomics into Endangered Species Act listing frameworks”
Mentors: Dr. W. Chris Funk at Colorado State University, Dr. Erin Landguth at University of Montana, Dr. Robin Waples at NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, and Dr. Catherine Darst at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao
“Advancing migratory shorebird conservation through transboundary governance ”
Mentors: Dr. Nives Dolšak at the University of Washington, Dr. Nick Davidson of Charles Sturt University, Dr. Brad Andres of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Spike Millington at the International Crane Foundation, Dr. Taej Mundkur of Wetlands International, and Isadora Angarita-Martínez, M.Sc. of Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Executive Office - Manomet
Christopher Nadeau
“Is Genetic Management Critical to the Success of Climate Change Adaptation or a Costly Distraction?”
Mentors: Dr. Randall Hughes at Northeastern University, Dr. Nick Fisichelli at Schoodic Institute, and Dr. Abe Miller-Rushing of the National Park Service
Desirée Narango
“Investigating multi-trophic linkages between plants, insects and migratory birds to inform effective forest habitat management and restoration strategies”
Mentors: Dr. Alexander Gerson at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Dr. Jeffrey Buler of the University of Delaware, and Dr. Susannah Lerman at USDA Forest Service
Kennan Oyen
“Predicting continental-scale impacts of winter ticks using environment, host, and ectoparasite traits to mitigate declines of North American moose”
Mentors: Dr. Joshua Benoit at the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Paul Cross at US Geological Survey, and Lee Kantar, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife