IMCC5 Abstract Formats and Presentation Specifications
Please refer to the information below for questions on how to format your presentations at IMCC5, including technical specifications, and for information on abstract type formats.
On This Page
- Abstract Format
- Session Formats
- Oral Presentation Formats
- How to Upload Your Presentation
- Poster Presentation Format
To be included in the final program and present at IMCC5, all presenters and session organizers must register and pay by 13 May 2018 (unless other arrangements have been made with the congress chairs). Presenters who submit abstracts to the Call for Late-Breaking Abstracts must register by 10 June 2018. The following presenter information is subject to change.
The dates and times for specific sessions within the IMCC5 Scientific Program are available in the IMCC5 General Session Schedule (.pdf). The first session listed is the main scientific program from June 24 to June 28 2018, followed by the OceansOnline session on June 29, then pre-congress workshops and focus groups.
The floor plan for the The Waterfront Hotel Kuching will be available soon.
Abstract Format:
Abstracts must be submitted electronically; web submission is the only format for submission*. All abstracts are limited to 250 words. Please note that the submission system will cut off your abstract if you copy/paste, so please confirm that your abstract fits before submitting.
*Please visit the Accessibility page if you need the submission form in a different format for accessibility reasons.
Session Formats:
Symposia address critical or cutting-edge marine conservation topics proposed by a facilitator. Symposia talks will be 10 to 12 minutes with time reserved at the end for discussion. Symposia organizers must submit a symposium abstract explaining the topic of the symposia and list the expected contributors. Presenters of accepted symposia will be required to submit an individual abstract after the acceptance of the symposium during the regular call for abstracts. A symposium ID will be provided to organizers in the acceptance letter and this ID must also be included in the individual abstract submission to ensure placement in the appropriate symposium. All symposium organizers and speakers must register by the early registration, 13 May 2018.
Workshops provide opportunities for registered delegates to receive expert training on a topic relevant to marine conservation. Proposals for short courses should be as brief as possible and submitted in abstract format, including a description of what the workshop will address, the expected outcomes, and how it will be run. If the workshop is selected, then we will ask for further organizational details. Workshops are pre-congress events; post-congress events may be considered but are not preferred as they would directly compete with field trips. Workshops may last up to 2 days from the 22nd to 23rd of June 2018. All workshop organizers, tutors, and speakers must be registered for the congress as early bird registrants. There will be a fee for short courses that each participant will pay in addition to the congress registration fee. Course fees will be determined according to the cost of room rentals, catering, and equipment required. The organizers reserve the right to cancel courses up to one month before the congress is the course does not have sufficient participants registered to cover the costs. There is no economic support or compensation from IMCC5 for the organizers of training courses.
Focus Groups bring together people with diverse expertise to develop tangible and actionable outputs — such as a list of recommendations, a publication, a policy briefing or a white paper — on a specific marine conservation issue. Focus groups can be held over the course of two days, for a duration between 2 and 8 hours. To minimize conflict with symposia and contributed paper sessions, focus groups of greater than two hours (max. eight hours) will be scheduled before or after the main scientific program. Focus groups of two hours in duration will generally be scheduled during the main scientific program. Focus groups typically have a smaller number of participants (10-30 maximum). Pre-meeting and post-meeting focus groups will require a separate fee for participants in addition to the congress registration fee to offset the additional costs of running the focus group. Any special needs or equipment might incur additional costs. Proposals for focus groups should be submitted in abstract format and include the following: (1) a synopsis composed of the goal or purpose, justification and outcome for the focus group (2) organizational structure including duration, format, expected number of participants, and technical requirements. Please contact the IMCC Program Committee with any questions.
Oral Presentation Formats:
Oral presentations will be limited to 15 minutes: 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions. Oral presentations will be grouped by topic; please choose from the list of general topic areas when you submit your abstract. If your abstract is accepted but cannot be accommodated as an oral presentation, we may offer you the opportunity to present a speed talk or poster. All oral presentation rooms will be equipped with a computer and a data projector. Detailed information and instructions on presentations at the congress is available below.
If your topic is of interest to a wide range of people and you would like your presentation to lead to an extended conversation with colleagues, you may wish to submit an abstract for a speed presentation. Speed presenters have 4 minutes to present their key ideas and results. This time limit will be strictly enforced. If your abstract is accepted but cannot be accommodated as a speed presentation, we may offer you the opportunity to present a poster.
Specifications for PowerPoint Presentations:
The screens in the presentation rooms at the Waterfront Hotel Kuching are 4:3 and have high resolution.
Presentations in PPT format (PowerPoint) are best and should be formatted to 4:3 to fill the screen.
Presentations Using Prezi:
Presentations using Prezi are supported but must comply with the same formats noted above under PPT presentations.
It is recommended that Prezi presentations are saved on a usb drive and not in the Cloud.
Presentations Using Keynote / Macs:
The congress is equipped for presentations made on PCs using PPT or Prezi.
IMCC5 will not be using mac software on site, and as a result we will not be able to support Keynote presentations on-site. We encourage presenters using Keynote software to convert their presentation to PPT format before the congress to limit the risk of technical issues and wasted time at the beginning of your presentation. If the presenter unable to convert their keynote presentation to PPT format, the presenter should bring their Mac we will provide assistance in converting the file. If you require this assistance, please ask for it as early as possible.
Video and Pictures in Presentations
For presentations with videos or photos, presenters should use the video and photo integration format built into PowerPoint or Prezi in order to create a seamless presentation with minimal delays. Please keep a copy of all photos and videos used in your presentation in a folder with the presentation to reduce the risk that the presentation is unable to fetch the photo or video data. For videos, we encourage formats such as .MP4, .MOV, .AVI, and .WMA with 720p or 1080p resolution. For pictures, please save them in .jpg or .png format.
How to Upload Your Presentation:
To Upload your Presentation at the Congress:
All presentations must be uploaded in the Speaker Ready Room (MAPLINK) at least 1 day in before your scheduled talk (i.e. please do not upload the day of your talk) during the hours of operation (see below). Presentations are prohibited from being uploaded by presenters in the session rooms. Please bring your presentation saved onto a USB drive. A technician will be there to assist you, if needed. To ensure that your presentation is uploaded to the correct session, please save your presentation as instructed above.
Technician Hours of Operation:
8:00am - 4:00pm Daily
*All presentations must be uploaded at least 1 day in advance of your scheduled talk. If you are unable to submit your talk on-site, or If you would like to submit your presentation before arriving at the congress to avoid long wait times, you may do so via email.
To Submit your Presentation via Email Before the Congress:
You can submit your oral presentation at anytime before the conference by going into your Exordo account and looking for the "My Presentations" card. From there you should be able to download your oral, speed, or poster presentation to our site in advance. We will collect these and place them into the correct sessions for you.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do this make sure you bring a copy of your presentation or email to confirm we have recieved it. The presenter is ultimately responsible for their talk being available on site.
Poster Presentations:
Posters are a visual, concise way to showcase research and projects, exhibited for informal browsing. They are provide presenters the opportunity to interact with their audience. Text should be limited to brief statements. Each poster should make a unified, coherent explanation of your work. Materials, both textual and visual, should be of professional quality and clearly legible from a distance. Good tips for your poster design can be found HERE (
Your poster must be limited to 114cm x 114cm (45in x 45in) in order to fit on the poster board. Posters will be assigned a number that will correspond to the appropriate board.
The preferred method of creating a poster is using design or presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Pagemaker. These programs allow you to lay out the entire poster, including text and graphics, in a single file. It can then be printed using a large, color printer. (Please note that all posters must be printed and paid for by the presenter; we will not print posters for you. An option for convenient printing in Kuching is described below.)
There will be a dedicated poster session and reception on Wednesday, 27 June 2018, From 6:30pm - 9:00pm in the Ranyai Ballroom. Presenting authors must remain at their poster during the session.
To Submit your Poster via Email Before the Congress:
You can submit your oral presentation at anytime before the conference by going into your Exordo account and looking for the "My Presentations" card. From there you should be able to download your oral, speed, or poster presentation to our site in advance. We will collect these and place them into the correct sessions for you.
PLEASE NOTE: If you do this make sure you bring a copy of your presentation or email to confirm we have recieved it. The presenter is ultimately responsible for their talk being available on site.
How to Print your Poster:
If you wish to have our printing service print your poster in advance, we can do that! All posters must be submitted online before June 20th, through the exordo website (instructions above). Posters will be printed for you and stored in the IMCC5 Office on the morning of June 27th. You may pay for the Poster in advance through the registration website, or you may pay for the poster at the booth upon arrival (Cost is $35.00 USD or 150.00 MYR).
If you suspect you will not be able to get to the IMCC5 Office during its hours of operation (8:00am - 4:00pm), please pay for your poster in advance, and we will arrange storage of your poster.