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Advertising Opportunities 

Advertisements will appear in the program for the 5th International Marine Conservation Congress. Advertising rates are listed below. For information on sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities, please see each page. (Please view the Sponsors & Exhibitors page for the IMCC Sponsorship Policy)


Ad Size Developed Country Developing Country & SIDS*
Inside Front Cover (color) $1,500.00 $1,000.00
Outside Back Cover (color) $1,500.00 $1,000.00
Inside Back Cover (color) $1,400.00 $900.00
Full Page Ad $1,000.00 $750.00
Half Page Ad $650.00 $300.00

More information can be found in the IMCC5 Sponsor and Exhibitor Prospectus. For questions about sponsorships, exhibits, or advertising, please contact Travis Nielsen, IMCC5 Meeting Manager

*The Society for Conservation Biology classifies a developing country as a Middle- or Low-income economy country according to the definitions of the World Bank and delegates from countries designated as Small Island Developing States by the United Nations.