Class of 2000
Karen Goodell, Ph.D. 2000, SUNY-Stony Brook
"Impact of an introduced Insect-pollinated Invasive Plant into Wetlands and the Implications of its Removal for Native Plant and Pollinator Communities"
Mentor: Dr. Joan Ehrenfeld, Rutgers University
Christine Hawkes, Ph.D. 2000, University of Pennsylvania
"Alteration of the soil microbial and AM fungal communities when exotic species invade: Implications for management and restoration of plant communities"
Mentors: Drs. Mary Firestone and Carla D'Antonio, University of California – Berkeley
David Lytle, Ph.D. 1999, Cornell University
"Designing flow regimes that favor native over non-native communities"
Mentor: Dr. Robert L. Smith, University of Arizona
Tatyana Rand, Ph.D. 2000, Brown University
"Effects of landscape context on the colonization, ecological impact and potential management of invasive weeds and insect preserves"
Mentor: Dr. Svata Louda, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
David Theobald, Ph.D. 1995, University of Colorado - Boulder
"Incorporating Landscape Context into the Design of Functional Conservation Networks"
Mentor: Dr. N. Thomas Hobbs, Natural Resource Ecology Lab, Colorado State University