Airline Discount Code

We have partnered with United Airlines to offer travel discounts to ICCB 2017.
Visit and enter (ZYHC774913) in the Offer Code box.
You may also call United Meeting Reservation Desk at +1-800-426-1122, Mon-Fri 8am – 10pm EDT (Washington DC time) and Sat/Sun 8am – 6pm EDT (Washington DC time). Booking fees are waived for Meeting reservations.
Please note that travel must be booked between (7/20/2017 - 7/30/2017) in order to receive the discount. This discount code only works for flight between your departure point and Bogota. United Airlines does not fly to Cartagena and your leg Bogota-Cartagena will need to be bought separately.

Avianca, an official airline of ICCB2017 invites you to enjoy exclusive discounts for the purchase of your flight tickets.
Book your ticket on or Avianca call center, quoting the event discount code: GN173. When buying your tickets through Avianca direct sales outlets or travel agencies, please provide one of the following: proof of registration, official letter of invitation in addition to the discount code.
Avianca, aerolínea oficial del ICCB2017 te invita a disfrutar de los descuentos exclusivos para la compra de tiquetes aéreos.
Reserve y compre su tiquete a través del siguiente link o en nuestras líneas de call center, incluyendo el código de descuento del evento: GN173. En caso de comprar los tiquetes a través de nuestros puntos de venta directos o agencias de viajes, además del código de descuento, deberá presentar su acreditación de asistencia al evento (e-card oficial, inscripción o invitación).