Class of 1999
Graeme Cumming,. Ph.D. 1999, Oxford University
"Prediction of freshwater biodiversity from landscape setting"
Mentor: Dr. Stephen Carpenter, University of Wisconsin
Robert Hilderbrand, Ph.D. 1998, Utah State University
"Design of freshwater conservation reserves; a methodology using landscape level analyses of cutthroat trout distributions"
Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey Kershner, Utah State University
Peter Jacobson, Ph.D. 1997, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
"Flood pulse control of organic matter, nutrient, and microbial dynamics in dryland riparian ecosystems: implications for management and restoration"
Mentor: Dr. Manuel Molles, University of New Mexico
David Merritt, Ph.D. 1999, Colorado State University
"Mechanisms of tamarisk dominance in western riparian ecosystems: roles of hydrologic modification and autogenic processes"
Mentor: Dr. LeRoy Poff, Colorado State University
Kristina Rothley, Ph.D. 1999, Yale University
"Conservation priority setting for sandplain natural communities in the eastern United States"
Mentor: Dr. Daniel Rubenstein, Princeton University
Jeffrey Su, Ph.D. 1999, University of Maine
"Refining the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems for coarse-filter biodiversity protection"
Mentor: Dr. Diane Debinski, Iowa State University
Jake Vander Zanden, Ph.D. 1999, McGill University
"Application of a food web approach to acquatic conservation"
Mentor: Dr. Charles Goldman, University of California - Davis