Bulletin Board

Subject: UC Irvine Accepting Applications for the Masters in Conservation and Restoration Science program

UCI’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Center for Environmental Biology (CEB) are accepting applications for the Masters in Conservation and Restoration Science (MCRS) graduate program. The MCRS degree provides students with the academic and professional skills needed to study, protect, and conserve natural resources, and to hold leadership and management positions in environmental fields related to conservation, restoration, and sustainability.

The MRCS program  prepares students to pursue careers that enable them to collaborate and lead in planning, designing, implementing, and managing environmental conservation and  restoration activities in agency, non-profit, and for-profit settings.

The MCRS curriculum is designed for professional growth in the area of active, adaptive management. Our students work closely with faculty and community partners in a rigorous, field-based program. The learning experience culminates in a solution-based capstone project conducted in collaboration with one of our many community partners.

July 1st 2020 is the Final Admission deadline. Questions can be sent to cchunt@uci.edu. Please visit https://mcrs.bio.uci.edu/ to apply.

Courtney Hunt <cchunt@uci.edu>
Monday, May 04, 2020