SCB News Blog

The SCB News Blog is the best source for member-oriented news from the Society for Conservation Biology. Here you'll find an account of what's new at SCB, coverage of SCB members in the news, and conservation-related commentary and reportage.

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Vast Loss of Habitat Threatens Leopards

photo for Vast Loss of Habitat Threatens Leopards

SCB members Jan Kamler and Alice Laguardia are coauthors on a large scale study that highlights the precarious status of leopards worldwide. The big cats have lost three-fourths of their historic range, the study found. Some subspecies' are left with less than 10 percent of their historic range.

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Working Group Roundup: Religion and Conservation Biology

photo for Working Group Roundup: Religion and Conservation Biology

SCB Working Groups are groups that focus on a topical area relevant to the mission and goals of SCB. This month's update comes from SCB's Religion and Conservation Biology Working Group.

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By Maya Khosla, posted on April 25, 2016

Fire Works

photo for Fire Works

How valuable are forests of the American West that have experienced wildfire? With over 10 million acres that burned across the region in 2015, that question has sharply gained in prominence.

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Section Update: Europe

photo for Section Update: Europe

SCB is a global organization comprised of seven sections: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Marine, North America, and Oceania. Each month we'll spotlight one section of SCB and provide updates from all Sections when applicable. This month we look at the work of the Europe Section of SCB.

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ICCB 2017 Announcement

photo for ICCB 2017 Announcement

The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) Executive Office and the Latin America and Caribbean (LACA) Section have been hard at work looking for the best location for our 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB).

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