SCB News Blog

The SCB News Blog is the best source for member-oriented news from the Society for Conservation Biology. Here you'll find an account of what's new at SCB, coverage of SCB members in the news, and conservation-related commentary and reportage.

Come often and be informed of the goings-on in this global community of conservation professionals dedicated to advancing the science and practice of conserving Earth's biological diversity.

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Chapters Corner: Washington D.C.

photo for Chapters Corner: Washington D.C.

Each issue of the SCB newsletter will feature an update from one of the Society's chapters. This month's update comes from the Washington D.C. Chapter.

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Member Spotlight: Julie Hanta Razafimanahaka

photo for Member Spotlight: Julie Hanta Razafimanahaka

Julie Hanta Razafimanahaka received the Young Women in Conservation Biology award at the International Congress for Conservation Biology. She talked with SCB about her experience in the field of conservation, her work in Madagascar and advice for other women in conservation.

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A Growing Role for Genetics in Conservation

photo for A Growing Role for Genetics in Conservation

Genetic data can often provide information which would otherwise be difficult to obtain: to document a species' demography, ecology and behavior more precisely; to understand how diversity can drive ecosystem function; to detect invasive species; and to solve illegal wildlife and plant trade.

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A Message from Geri Unger

photo for A Message from Geri Unger

It has been a busy summer and fall. After returning from a highly successful ICCB, the Executive Office hired a new Finance Director, and moved last week to a new office in Washington DC. We are currently unpacking and organizing as well as preparing the 2016 budget.

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By Stephanie Green, posted on October 22, 2015

Uniting Science and Stories at IMCC

photo for Uniting Science and Stories at IMCC

Storytelling is a crucial skill for scientists to use to communicate their work. A workshop held at the IMCC helped SCB scientists develop their storytelling skills.

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