An SCB Hawai'i Chapter Meeting in 2019. Photo credit: SCB Hawai'i Chpater HISCB.
The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) Chapters Committee is pleased to announce that the following SCB chapters have been awarded the first round of the 2020 SCB Chapter Event Grant. They are:
1. Nigerian Chapter of Society for Conservation Biology (NSCB) - 7th Biodiversity Conservation Conference of NSCB"
2. Hawaii Chapter of Society for Conservation Biology - The Power of Conservation Story Telling
3. Society for Conservation Biology, Davis Chapter - Non-Academic Conservation Career Panel
4. SCB Madagascar Chapter - Sensitization of undergraduate and university students about Scientific Research and Biodiversity Conservation
5. SCB Kenyan Chapter - Symposium on enhancing Ecological restoration in East Africa -a case study of Hirola conservation program in Kenya
Each chapter will receive a reimbursable grant of up to $750.00 to support the event. The purpose of these grants is to support SCB Chapters in their activities while also increasing membership to the SCB Global society.
SCB Chapter Event Grants are exclusively awarded to SCB Chapters that can demonstrate that the potential event will recruit SCB Global membership. These grants are supported by funding from SCB Global, SCB north America, and the SCB Chapters Committee.