SCB News Blog

The SCB News Blog is the best source for member-oriented news from the Society for Conservation Biology. Here you'll find an account of what's new at SCB, coverage of SCB members in the news, and conservation-related commentary and reportage.

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By Carolyn Lundquist, posted on January 28, 2013

IPBES: Day Five

photo for IPBES: Day Five

SCB Europe President Andr

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By Guy Pe'er and Carolyn Lundquist, posted on January 25, 2013

IPBES: Day Four

photo for IPBES: Day Four

On day four of IPBES, a selection of heads of stakeholder delegations were given an audience with the EU to discuss our view on the dependence of the success of IPBES on full and effective participation by stakeholders, both as advocates and users of information provided by the platform, and as providers of knowledge required by IPBES to do its work.

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By Guy Pe'er and Carolyn Lundquist, posted on January 24, 2013

IPBES: Day Three

photo for IPBES: Day Three

Delegates are exhausted from three days of intense meetings and negotiations at IPBES in Bonn, Germany. Much has been accomplished, but a great deal of work lies ahead. The IPBES Bureau has been established, but there is meticulous, tiresome discussion on the structuring of the MEP. On day three, SCB's IPBES delegation and other stakeholders ponder the age-old question: "To speak or not to speak?"

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By Carolyn Lundquist, posted on January 23, 2013

IPBES: Day Two

photo for IPBES: Day Two

On day two of IPBES, SCB's delegation worked with other stakeholders on Roles of Procedure for the Platform to ensure stakeholders play a larger role in the work of IPBES.

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By Guy Pe'er, posted on January 21, 2013

IPBES: Day One

photo for IPBES: Day One


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