SCB News Blog

The SCB News Blog is the best source for member-oriented news from the Society for Conservation Biology. Here you'll find an account of what's new at SCB, coverage of SCB members in the news, and conservation-related commentary and reportage.

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By Guy Pe'er, posted on January 21, 2013

IPBES Stakeholder Day

photo for IPBES Stakeholder Day

Representatives of stakeholder groups met to today to discuss ways to increase effectiveness of the IPBES through better integration of the stakeholders in the work program. Carolyn Lundquist presented SCB

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By Guy Pe'er, Carolyn Lundquist, Martin Dieterich, & Bengt-Gunnar Johnsson, posted on January 20, 2013

IPBES Needs Support of Learned Societies

photo for IPBES Needs Support of Learned Societies

SCB calls on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) to recognize and better integrate important knowledge holders and attempts to structure some of its activities to serve this purpose.

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SCB Sends Delegation to IPBES

photo for SCB Sends Delegation to IPBES

SCB is a participant at the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) this week in Bonn, Germany. Our delegation will, among other things, urge cooperation between IPBES and learned societies like SCB to help ensure the platform's success. One approach we suggest is to include in IPBES reports any well-supported minority or concurring opinions to better inform a precautionary approach by decision-makers. Find daily coverage of the meeting from our IPBES delegation on the SCB News Blog.

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By Nuria Selva, posted on November 5, 2012

SCB Roadless Areas Initiative Goes Global

photo for SCB Roadless Areas Initiative Goes Global

With an assist from Google, an initiative of the SCB Europe Policy Committee to protect the world's remaining roadless areas is gaining momentum in scientific forums and conferences around the world, most recently at the Convention on Biological Diversity in Hyderabad, India.

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