ICCB 2019 Student Finalists for Best Scientific Presentation

SCB is excited to name the 18 finalists in the ICCB 2019 Student Competition for Best Oral, Speed, and Poster Presentation. 

Finalists were selected from a pool of nearly 300 students who submitted their abstracts for consideration be named a student finalist. 

Students will compete throughout ICCB with the winners announced at the conclusion of the SCB Members Meeting on Thursday, 25 July at 16:00-17:00.

Finalists for each category are named below. If you're at ICCB 2019 please stop by to watch their presentations and congratulate the finalists!

Best Oral Presentation category (in order of presentation):

  • James Foley will present Domestic dogs as a vector of disease for threatened carnivores, modelling informs management in the symposium "Dog & Wildlife Conflict." Wednesday 24 July at 16:00-17:00. Conference Hall 1, Level 3, Room 3.
  • Hunter Doughty  will present Saiga Horn Medicine in Singapore: An Evidence-Based Behavioral Intervention in the symposium "Reducing Demand for Illegal Wildlife Products through Evidence-Based Behavior Change Interventions." Tuesday 23 July at 10:00-11:30. Banquet Hall, Level 3, Room 6. 

  • Sorrel Jones will present The “bean method:" A low-technology solution for monitoring sensitive behavior in the contributed session "Adaptive Management and Monitoring 1." Monday 23 July at 11:45-1:15. Plenary Theater, Level 3.
  • Sean Griffin will present Colonization by solitary bees is driven by connectivity and habitat shape in a fragmented landscape in the contributed session "Disturbance Ecology 1." Wednesday 24 July at 14:30-16:00. Banquet Hall, Level 3, Room 6.

  • Thomas Burns will present Developing methods to sample contemporary eDNA in the terrestrial environment- trials with a critically endangered frog and amphibian chytrid fungus in the contributed session "Spatial Ecology and Conservation 4." Wednesday 24 July at 16:00-17:30. Plenary Hall, Level 3, Plenary Room.

  • Anita Bhattacharya will present Developing distribution and habitat suitability maps of key mammal species in a Western Himalayan LandscapeIndia in the contributed session "Biomes Conservation 1. Thursday 25 July at 14:30-16:00. Conference Hall 2, Level 3, Room 4. 

Best Speed Talk category (in order of presentation):

  • Esty Yanco will present Cautioning against the overemphasis of normative constructs in conservation decision making in the contributed session "Conservation Science 3." Monday, 23 July at 14:30-16:00. Banquet Hall, Level 3.
  • Blake Simmons will present Landholder typologies illuminate pathways for social and political change in a deforestation hotspot in the contributed session "Habitat Degradation and Fragmentation 4." Monday, 23 July at 16:00-17:30. Level 4, Meeting Room 401-402.

  • Charles Cunningham will present Protected Area Network Performance: Evaluating long-term success and spatial optimisation in the contributed session "Landscape Conservation and Planning." Monday, 23 July at 16:00-17:30. Level 3, Meeting Room 304-305. 

  • Corey Callaghan will present Tracking biodiversity changes by integrating big data: an example using bird responses to urbanization in the contributed session "Sustainable Agriculture and Urban Conservation." Wednesday, 24 July at  11:45-13:15. Conference Hall 1, Level 3, Room 3.
  • Shannon Rivera will present Surviving the Trade: Qualitative analysis of the limitations to the disposal of confiscated live animals with a focus on Southeast Asia in the contributed session "Wildlife Trade." Wednesday, 24 July at 11:45-13:15. Conference Hall 2, Level 3, Room 4. 
  • Zanri Schoeman will present Predator control of Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pussilus who predate on Cape gannets Morus capensis on Penguin (Bird) Island, South Africa in the contributed session "Marine Conservation." Wednesday, 24 July at 11:45-13:15. Room 10.

Best Poster Presentation category (in order of presentation)

  • Abigail Brown will present the poster Animal welfare values in a conservation conflict: exploring polarised perceptions of legalised rhino horn trade. Monday, 23 July (Poster #115)
  • Dain Christensen will present the poster Does Predator-Proof Fencing Improve Fledging Success of the Hawaiian Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni)? Monday, 23 July (Poster #79)

  • Nicole Shumway will present the poster Spatially flexible offsets can deliver improved biodiversity outcomes for migratory speciesMonday, 23 July (Poster #55)

  • Siddharth Pillai will present the poster Feasibility and Sustainibility of 3D printed Artificial Reef. Monday, 23 July (Poster #71)
  • Naomi Indigo will present the poster Unpleasant surprises: a full field trial of a promising conservation action suggests it won't work. Tuesday, 24 July (Poster #136)
  • Dave Seaman will present the poster Densities of Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) in heavily degraded forest and oil palm plantations in Sabah, Borneo. Tuesday, 24 July (Poster #94)