SCB News Blog

The SCB News Blog is the best source for member-oriented news from the Society for Conservation Biology. Here you'll find an account of what's new at SCB, coverage of SCB members in the news, and conservation-related commentary and reportage.

Come often and be informed of the goings-on in this global community of conservation professionals dedicated to advancing the science and practice of conserving Earth's biological diversity.

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River Otters Lurking in the Sea: Further Evidence of a Paradigm Shift in Conservation

photo for River Otters Lurking in the Sea: Further Evidence of a Paradigm Shift in Conservation

Populations of North American river otters have recovered across the continent, forcing conservationists to rethink old paradigms prevalent in conservation practices.

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Managing Email Notifications in Conservation Connection

photo for Managing Email Notifications in Conservation Connection

Learn how to manage your communications in Conservation Connection.

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The 2018 Jairo Mora Sandoval Award

photo for The 2018 Jairo Mora Sandoval Award

The Marine Section of the Society for Conservation Biology is pleased to announce to the 2018 Jairo Mora Sandoval Award recipient.

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New SCB Working Group: Impact Evaluation (ImpactEval)

photo for New SCB Working Group: Impact Evaluation (ImpactEval)

The SCB Impact Evaluation (ImpactEval) Working Group is the latest Working Group to attain provisional status within the Society.

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Chapters Corner: Nigeria Chapter

photo for Chapters Corner: Nigeria Chapter

The Chapters Corner presents news and updates from SCB Chapters working around the world to conserve and protect Earth's biological diversity and nurture new leaders in the field of conservation biology. This month we look at the Nigeria Chapter of SCB.

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