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SCB Chapters

Chapters provide a fun and easy way for SCB members to become involved in conservation activities at the local level. By joining a nearby Chapter, SCB members can engage in on-the-ground conservation work, public policy, education from grade school to college, public outreach, and many other important and fun activities. Chapters also provide support and networking for SCB's many members who are scattered across the globe.  Use the Chapter Directory to find a chapter near you.

Some Chapters focus on a single city, county, or campus; others cover broader geographic areas from state to national levels. Some Chapters draw their membership primarily from students and faculty at academic institutions; some are comprised of practitioners and conservation scientists from many fields; and some are a healthy mix of both students and professionals. They also interact with SCB's Regions and other groups within SCB.

Contact your Region for more information about how to get involved!

Where are SCB Chapters?