Region Membership
Any active member of SCB may become a member of the Asia Region at no extra cost. Members of the Region can run for and vote for directors of the Region and participate in Region events such as regional meetings. The number of members in the Region is a metric of our relevance, so we are always hoping to increase our membership so as to have greater impact on science, management, and policy. If you haven't done so already, join today and add your voice to the discussion! SCB is an international professional organization of nearly 5,000 individuals dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity. The Society's membership comprises a wide range of people interested in the conservation and study of biological diversity: resource managers, educators, government and private conservation workers, and students.
- To read the Asia Region Bylaws, please click here.
- For more information on the Society and its mission click here.
- To join SCB, or find out more about membership, click here. When you join SCB you can register to automatically become a member of the Asia Region as well, for no extra cost.
All positions in the Asia Region are voluntary, and exist to forward the mission of the Region and SCB.
Asia Region Listserv
The Asia Region Listserv is an email list for announcements, updates, and information related to the Region activities and conservation in Asia. The listserv can be joined by ANYONE. It is a platform for networking and communication among members and non-members. The listserv is FREE, and membership in the SCB Asia Region is NOT required. To join the Asia Region Listserve click here.