North American Region Membership
Any active member of SCB may become a member of the North America Region. Members may join one Region. The Society is an international professional organization of nearly 5,000 individuals dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity. The Society's membership comprises a wide range of people interested in the conservation and study of biological diversity: resource managers, educators, government and private conservation workers, and students. No dues or registration fees (outside of Society membership) are charged for Region membership.
Not a member? Here’s how and why to become one!
1. Let your voice be heard! Voting members are able to directly impact and contribute to SCBNA priorities and initiatives online and at annual members meetings (at ICCB and NACCB).
2. Access the SCB North America listserve, share & receive news on North American conservation issues, jobs, events
3. Attend NACCB 2018 at a discounted rate. Network with other conservation practitioners in North America and around the globe at NACCB
4. It’s free with SCB Global membership!
5. Work with us on our Program initiatives! Contact us to join or contribute to one of our committees; Policy, Education, Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, & Conferences.
To join the SCB & the North American Region, click here.