The PaCS Board holds an annual business meeting in conjunction with the ICCB or one of the regional SCB meetings. We hope to see you at the next meeting!
John A. Cigliano, President
John A. Cigliano is Professor of Biology and Director of Environmental Conservation in the Department of Biological Sciences, Cedar Crest College, Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA, an adjunct research faculty at the Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park,Winter Harbor, Maine, USA, and an Earthwatch Institute Principal Investigator. He has served as President of the Marine Program of SCB and as Vice President of the Participatory and Citizen Science Working Group. John currently engages with citizen scientists in his research on the effects of ocean acidification and warming on temperate intertidal organisms and communities. He co-edited, and authored several chapters, the book “Citizen Science for Coastal and Marine Conservation.
Lindsay Wancour, Vice President
Lindsay is the Project Creation Senior Manager at Adventure Scientists, a nonprofit that equips partners working in environmental fields with project planning, training, and field data to advance their goals using a citizen science model.
After serving in AmeriCorps for 2 years connecting to beautiful, rugged backcountry landscapes in Montana and Idaho, Lindsay decided to pursue a passion-driven career in conservation. She earned her M.S. in Environmental Studies with a certificate in Natural Resource Conflict Resolution from University of Montana. Her research focused on engaging communities in watershed conservation. In 2016 she was recognized as a Wyss Conservation Scholar for her graduate work. In 2018 She became the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Science and Democracy Fellow for Montana. In 2020 she was part of SHIFT’s Emerging Leaders Program. Previously she was the Co-PI on a huckleberry phenology study in partnership with USGS and Earthwatch. Nothing brings her more joy than helping people develop relationships with the outdoors and become advocates for nature.
Tod Harwell, Secretary/Treasurer
Dr. Todd A. Harwell (he/him) is a Teaching Assistant Professor with the University Honors College at Portland State University. He holds a PhD in Environmental Sciences from Oregon State University and has recently been a Postdoctoral Scholar with the Center for Community and Citizen Science at the University of California, Davis leading a project on examining the role of community and citizen science in marine protected areas throughout California and Oregon. Todd is a former marine scientist turned environmental educator turned environmental social scientist who explores the relationships between community and citizen science and diverse audiences, communities, and partners
Dave Morimoto, Member-at-Large
David Morimoto, PhD, is Professor of Biology and Chairs Lesley’s Natural Science and Mathematics Department. An ecologist, conservation biologist, and animal behaviorist by training, he has studied the effects of forest fragmentation on birds in Massachusetts and has most recently studied birds in Guyana, South America and Cambridge, Massachusetts. He has traveled extensively to explore the natural history of the world, with over 35 trips to Central and South America alone. He has given many scientific research and education presentations, with invited international talks in Cuba and Brazil. Dr. Morimoto has devoted considerable amounts of time to thinking, teaching, and writing about the unifying features of complex living systems. He writes poems influenced by his experiences and has had three of them published in professional journals, the first one being Conservation Biology
Shanmuga Sundara Bharathi, Member-at-Large
I have been an environmental activist since the eighties. After my retirement as a television Environmental Programmes Director and Producer, I started working with Rural Youth and my peer groups as a Nature Conservationist. I am a Life Member of Bombay Natural History Society. My Conservation goal made me a Member in Society for Conservation Biology and followed as a Commission Member in IUCN SSC, CEC, CEM and WCPA. I am confident Nature Conservation is very much possible through activism and Law. As my Conservation work began to catch up with many, the pandemic stalled my activities. With the intention of acquiring more knowledge to refine and share, I extensively learned Biodiversity, Red List of Ecosystem Criteria, Red List of Threatened Species Assessment, Program of Work on Protected Areas, Mangroves, Species Conservation Planning ( IUCN SSC CPSG), Nature Based Solutions(IUCN Academy), Environment Law and Policy, Urban Environmental Management & Law , Climate Change Law etc., I am deeply interested in Social Sciences in relation to Conservation Biology and in spreading Conservation awareness among citizens.
James Watuwa, Member-at-Large