Chapter Activities
Activities listed below are major events undertaken by SCB, individual Chapters, and/or the parent organization.
Chapter Workshops
Capacity-building for SCB Chapters- Workshop at ICCB 2013
Marit Wilkerson, Adina Merenlender, and SCB Chapter Committee
On Sunday, July 21st, speakers, leaders, and interested conference attendees gathered together for a full morning to share and discuss Chapter issues. Topics ranged from calls for advice on membership retention and leadership, showcasing successful projects, detailing processes for policy briefs or fundraising, and more. Participants of the workshop found the morning useful in providing specific ideas for solutions to common problems, fostering a network of global Chapter leaders, and inspiring people in new directions. Please see below for more information on general topics, agenda, and abstracts as well as full presentations.
- Download Chapters Capacity Building Workshop General Topics and Agenda
- Download Chapters Capacity Building Workshop Presentations
- Current information about Chapter Activities: http://scbchapters.weebly.com/chapters-news--events.html
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2010
Representatives from SCB Chapters around the world gathered in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at SCB's annual conference. This year’s Chapters workshop featured two guest speakers who offered information and insights on the topics of Leadership Development and Fundraising. The workshop took place on July 2nd 2010 and was followed by a fun evening of socializing and story-telling by Chapters. Click below for slides from the various talks given at “Capacity-building for SCB Chapters, Part III: Resources for Community & Leadership Development”. Also, check out this presentation about fundraising.
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 2009
The first joint North America Chapters/Section Conference was held in October 2009 in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. The meeting was hosted by the Colorado Plateau Chapter and the USGS, and included 3 days of workshops, symposia, and activities for Chapter and Section members as well as other attendees. October 5th featured the first Chapters/Section Roundtable, designed to increase communication and coordination among the Chapters and between Chapters and the Section. Click below for minutes from this historic meeting.
Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, 2008
Leaders from SCB Chapters worldwide gathered in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA for SCB's annual conference. The Chapters workshop, held July 13th 2008, featured talks by and for Chapters on a variety of topics specific to Chapter functioning and activities. Please click below for slides from some of the talks given at “Capacity-building for SCB Chapters, Part II: Empowering Environmental Problem-solving”.
San Jose, California USA 2006
Capacity-Building for SCB Chapters in the 21st Century
Delegates from SCB Chapters and other interested individuals around the world gathered in San Jose, California and SCB's Annual Meeting to learn about other Chapters and the success stories they offered. The workshop "Capacity-Building for SCB Chapters in the 21st Century" took place on Saturday, June 24th. This workshop provided a unique forum for discussion of the development of SCB Chapters and their future relationships with each other and the parent Society. Please choose a link below to see some of the informational presented at the meeting:
- Abstracts
- Chapter Report - Fiona Nagle
- Strategic Planning and SCB
- The Role of Strategic Planning for Chapters
- Toronto Chapter - A Chapter is Born!
- Colorado State University - Membership Retention
- Minnesota Chapter - Balancing Science and Activism
- Bolivia Chapter - Experiences with Environmental Education
- University of California, Davis Chapter - Holding a Regional Conference
- Missouri Chapter - Maintaining Communications and Quality Student Research
- Colorado Plateau Chapter - Building Support in the Conservation Community