SCB Marine Program Policy Committee
Over the last decade, the Marine Program has engaged on ocean conservation policy issues ranging from the most threatened marine mammals on earth to noise pollution to responses to shark bites.
More recently, the committee has expanded its work to reflect a broader commitment on the part of SCB to act in a “science networker” role – providing a support system for members to more effectively and efficiently engage in policy work themselves. As part of this shift, we organize networking activities in person and online. The goal is to put members with expertise relevant to specific policy issues in touch with those who need that expertise. This includes periodic webinars, events at meetings, and networking resources.
The committee will still engage in some specific policy activities (e.g., sign on letters). If you have a policy issue that you believe the Marine Program should be engaged in, please email Marine Policy Committee Officer Angela Bednarek with details of the issue and the action that you are proposing.
Examples of specific policy engagement activities since the inception of the committee:
- Sep 2015 - A letter to Brazil's Minister of the Environment and Minister of Fisheries and Aquiculture regarding the suspension of protections for endangered fish species (Portugese version)
- Jul 2015 - A letter to ACCOBAMS Permanent Secretariat on marine mammal observers and seismic guidelines in the ACCOBAMS area (More information from the Policy Committee)
- Jun 2015 - A letter to Oak Island, North Carolina, and state officials on responses to shark bites. (More information from the Policy Committee)
- Mar 2015 – Update: SCB supports gillnet ban for the benefit of the vaquita, an important first step towards the conservation of the smallest cetacean species
- Oct 2014 – The NOAA / USCG letter on ship noise.
- Oct 2014 – The Rockefeller foundation letter on oil funds. (More information from the Policy Committee)
- Sep 2014 – A letter to Discovery Channel regarding misleading the public. (More information from the Policy Committee)
- Jul 2014 – A letter to Sigourney Weaver congratulating her on her ocean conservation blog piece.
- Jul 2014 – A letter to Tesla on dropping their patents to encourage more electric cars. (More information from the Policy Committee)
- Mar 2014 – Comments on the NOAA noise exposure criteria.
- Jan 2014 – A letter to the Spanish government concerning oil development in the Canaries. (Spanish version)
- Jul 2013 – A letter concerning Slovenia's responsibilities under ACCOBAMS to fund cetacean research.
- Dec 2012 – A shorter version of the vaquita letter piece. (Spanish version) (Updated information and SCBMarine Save the Vaquita page)