Education in Science and Conservation Grants
The need for financial support of education in the field of ocean science and conservation is of paramount importance today given the challenges we face on the planet. We need to make sure we are introducing as many youth as possible to ocean sciences and educating them about the importance of marine sciences and conservation around the globe. The Society for Conservation Biology’s Marine Program is initiating the Education in Science & Conservation Grants Program (ESCGP) to support innovative and outstanding educational projects which promote early introduction, education and recruitment of students and community members in the field of marine science and conservation. The objective of the ESCGP is to advance access to and education of marine science and conservation among the communities which are served by the respective educational projects in support of the program’s Mission and Goals:
To advance the science, education and practice of conserving the Earth’s marine biological diversity
- Be a global focal point for marine science education conservation
- Facilitate the dissemination of the science of marine conservation through education, publications, presentations, and media outreach
- Promote marine science education conservation as a priority for SCB
- Inform and educate students across the globe
- Create the capacity to accomplish the aforementioned goals
- Grants range up to $1,000 USD.
Applicants must be members of the Society for Conservation Biology and are either a K-12(age 5 through secondary school or age 18 in the US) School session, college/university institution or show a partnership with a community service organization Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate capacity to accomplish the proposed work (e.g., through matching funds, matching funds in kind, or existing in-country capacity), and to first-time applicants. Funds must be spent within 12 months after award.
Eligible activities:
Examples of eligible activities:
- Providing materials to train students to reduce impacts of human activities on marine organisms, and their habitats;
- Developing educational materials for implementing conservation practices, such as teaching students the importance of learning about sustainable fishing and which fish they purchase are sustainably farmed.
- The installation of rain gardens to teach students the importance of helping clean runoff prior to entering the oceans.
- Installation of water bottle filling stations and associated education at various locations in the local community.
- Education of students through engagement in beach cleanups and associated events
Non-eligible activities:
- Travel to education conferences or other meetings;
- Professional membership fees;
- Tuition or course fees.
Application Period
The applications for 2023, run through November 15, 2023 11:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Applications are currently being accepted. You can access the application template here.
Winning grants will be notified by December 15, 2023 and funds will be dispersed by January 5, 2024.
If you have questions, please email the Marine Program Education Officer goffscience@gmail.com
If you require the guidelines document or forms in large print, audio, Braille, or a colored background, please reach out to us and we will do our best to accommodate your request.