Tales from the Sea
Storytelling is a powerful way to share knowledge and experiences, connect with others, and effect change.
Conservation scientists are recognizing the power of stories and are learning to share them. These stories come from experiences at the front lines of global change. From working with diverse partners to find solutions. And from personal connections with nature.
Below you’ll find stories told at the International Marine Conservation Congress, the conference of the SCB Marine Program. These demonstrate the power of sharing conservation messages through storytelling.
Have you watched the videos? Or are you using them as part of your science communication efforts? We'd love to hear from you! Your feedback helps to improve the program and track its use. Please take 1 minute to give us feedback using this link.
Enjoy the Stories
2018 Tales from the Sea: IMCC5 Kuching, Malaysia
These stories were told at the Tales from the Sea live storytelling event at the International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC5) in Kuching, Malaysia.
Following a two-day pre-congress workshop, scientists shared their stories with a live public audience at the Old Courthouse Auditorium.
Enjoy, and please stay tuned for future content as we deliver Tales from the Sea at IMCC 6, hosted online in August 2020!
Brock Bergseth (Australia, @BrockBergseth), on reporting poaching to bolster conservation outcomes
Emily Cunningham (United Kingdom, @EG_Cunningham), on celebrating the wildlife in British seas
Gabrielle Johnson (USA), on joining together to address ocean pollution
Gavin Jolis (Malaysia, @gavinjolis), on working with communities to stop poaching
Jonatha Giddens (USA, @JonathaLauren), on the Ocean's answer to a question she had
Jorge Torre (Mexico), on Gender equality in decision making tables
Juan Mayorga (Colombia, @juan_s_mayorga) on tracking ocean protection in the deep
Naima Andrea López (Spain, @NaimasOcean), on finding inspiration on nature's wonders
Rachel Skubel (USA/ Canada, @rachelskubel) on fostering relationships between people and wildlife
2016 Tales from the Sea: IMCC4 Newfoundland, Canada
These stories are from the 2016 Tales from the Sea at the Marine Program's 4th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC4) in St John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Scientists participated in a pre-congress storytelling workshop, and in a special lunchtime event, shared their stories with other delegates and the general public during "Sea Stories: Tales from the Field"
We hope to continue Tales from the Sea at IMCC5 in Kuching, Malaysia, in 2018, but for now enjoy these stories from IMCC4!
Angela Quiros (Philippines, @SurfNSeagrass), on seagrass, mud, and family. #community #seagrass #conservation
Daniel Raberinary (Madagascar), on building relationships to support sustainable fishing. #octopus #fishing #community
Derya Akkaynak (Israel, @dakkaynak), on missing spring in Washington, DC. #journeys #spring
Julia Mason (United States, @juliajmason), on the ups and downs of science-based management. #sciencetrials #community
Melissa Orobko (Canada, @Melissa_Orobko), on a lifelong love of math. #journeys #BritishColumbia #conservation #math
Phil Karp (United States/Caribbean, @pkarp24), on turning lemons into lionfish lemonade. #invasivespecies #community #lionfish ########
Aerin Jacob (Canada, @Aerin_J), on a shellfish dinner under the stars. #oceanacidication #BritishColumbia #journeys
Josh Silberg (Canada, @joshsilberg), on experiments that don’t always go as predicted. #sciencetrials #kelp #BritishColumbia
Matt Tietbohl (Saudi Arabia, @WhyOceansMATTer), on a love of nature under rocks, in mud, and on reefs. #Jamaica #Pennsylvania #conservation #mangroves #coralreefs
Sarah Engelhard (Australia/Netherlands, @sarahengelhard), on science, art, and roadkill. #journeys #art&science #management
Tales from the Sea: 2014: Glasgow, Scotland
These stories are from the 2014 Tales from the Sea workshop at the Marine Program's 3rd International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC3) in Glasgow, Scotland.
Kyle Gillespie (@kylemgillespie) Canada
Elizabeth McLean Puerto Rico, U.S.
Fadilah Ali (@FadilahZAli) Bonaire/United Kingdom
Henry Goehlich Germany/Seychelles
Delphine Rocklin France
Martin Russell (@martin1ocean) Australia
Nohora Galvis (@ICRIcolombia) Colombia
Skye Augustine (@SkyeAugustine) Canada
Interested in supporting or hosting a storytelling training and event? Contact us.
Story Collider
Fame Lab
Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science
The Moth
World Science Festivals