About Us
Over the past 20 years, genetics has emerged as a very important tool for conservation and it is now well established that it can be used to accomplish conservation-oriented goals. Nevertheless, there is a gap between genetic research outcomes and conservation management.
We are an organization that advocates for the integration of genetics in the practice of biodiversity conservation, by partnering with other conservation genetics groups and organizations.
The aim of the CGWG is to promote the incorporation of genetic studies into the wider field of conservation and to improve the way results of genetic studies are communicated to the broader conservation audience.
CGWG activites are coordinated by an elected Board and Board Committees.
Specific goals
- Advocate for the use of genetic approaches in conservation within the SCB community
- Determine and communicate the advantages and limitations of genetic approaches in conservation, especially in light of new technological advances (i.e. high throughput sequencing)
- Promote the integration of genetics with other areas of conservation (e.g. GIS and ecology) to develop applications that address both pattern and process of extinction risk
- Increase the understanding of genetic processes and terminology within the conservation science and non-scientific community (increase genetic literacy)
- Develop improved means of communication between academic geneticists and non-academic stakeholder groups within conservation