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RCB working group publications
Schaefer, Jame. "Guidelines for Interacting with Faith-Based Leaders and Communities." Best Practices Project. Religion and Conservation Biology Working Group of the Society for Conservation Biology. February 2018.
Schaefer, Jame. "New Hope for the Oceans: Engaging Faith-Based Communities in Marine Conservation." Frontiers in Marine Science. 14 March 2017.
Schaefer, Jame and Susan Higgins. "Best Practices Survey – Promising First Step toward Developing Guidelines." December 2016.
Rutte, Claudia. List of Publications on Philosophy, Theology and Sociology.
The Forum of Religion and Ecology at Yale
International Congress for Conservation Biology. 13- 17 December 2021. Kigali, Rwanda.
International Congress for Conservation Biology. 21- 25 July 2019. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2017 Rome-Assisi Conference on Spirituality & Sustainability. 27 June - 4 July 2017. Rome and Assisi, Italy.
International Congress for Conservation Biology. 23-27 July 2017. Cartagena, Colombia.
5th International Marine Conservation Congress. 24-29 June 2018. Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Policy statements
Religious Practice of Releasing Captive Wildlife for Merit
Faith and conservation: the essential
A Primer on Conservation Biology for People of Faith
The Conservation-Religion Interface: What Every Conservation Biologist Should Know
Religious Practice of Releasing Captive Wildlife for Merit
Publications of note
Thornton, Thomas and Shonil Bhagwat, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge. Taylor & Francis. 2020.
Jackson, Wendy, and Alison Ormsby. "Urban sacred natural sites–a call for research." Urban Ecosystems: 1-7. June 2017.
Singh, Khushwant and Judith Steinau Clark. Voices from Religions on Sustainable Development. German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation. 3rd edition. April 2017.
Bennett, Nathan, Robin Roth, Sarah C. Klain, Kai M.C. Chan, Douglas A. Clark, Georgina Cullman, Graham Epstein, Michael Paul Nelson, Richard Stedman, Tara L. Teel, Rebecca E.W. Thomas, Carina Wyborn, Deborah Curran, Alison Greenberg, John Sandlos, Diogo Verissimo. Mainstreaming the social sciences in conservation. Conservation Biology 33:1, 56-66. February 2017.
McKhann, Charles. Crimes Against Nature: Kincest, Cosmology, and Conservation in Southwest China. Anthropological Forum. 1 February 2017.
Bhatia, Saloni, Stephen Mark Redpath, Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi and Charudutt Mishra. The Relationship Between Religion and Attitudes Toward Large Carnivores in Northern India? Human Dimensions of Wildlife 22:1. 2017.
Verschuuren, Bas, and Naoya Furuta, eds. Asian Sacred Natural Sites: Philosophy and practice in protected areas and conservation. Routledge: Abingdon and New York. 2016.
Guynup, Sharon. Exclusive: Tiger Temple Accused of Supplying Black Market. National Geographic. 21 January 2016.
Publications recommended by the Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale (May 2017 Newsletter)
The Variety of Integral Ecologies: Nature, Culture, and Knowledge in the Planetary Era
Edited by Sam Mickey, Sean Kelly, and Adam Robbert
Forward by Mary Evelyn Tucker
SUNY Press, 2017
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Ecology
Edited by John Hart
Wiley-Blackwell, 2017
China's Green Religion: Daoism and the Quest for a Sustainable Future
By James Miller
Columbia University Press, 2017
Religion in the Anthropocene
Edited by Celia E. Deane-Drummond, Sigurd Bergmann, Markus Vogt
Foreword by Heinrich Bedford-Strohm
Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2017
“Returning to a Place of Belonging: An interview with Sufi mystic Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee”
By Sam Mowe
Garrison Institute, May 11, 2017
Mourning Nature: Hope at the Heart of Ecological Loss and Grief
Edited by Ashlee Cunsolo and Karen E. Landman
McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017
Ecology of Consciousness: The Alchemy of Personal, Collective, and Planetary Transformation
By Ralph Metzner
New Harbinger Publications, 2017
“Earth Charter Affiliate speaks in UN General Assembly Dialogue on Harmony with Nature”
Earth Charter Initiative, May 5, 2017
“US Bank to Stop Funding Pipelines as Divestment Movement Expands Worldwide”
By Nika Knight
Common Dreams, May 15, 2017
Routledge Handbook on Religion and Ecology
Edited by Willis Jenkins, Mary Evelyn Tucker, and John Grim
Routledge Books, 2016
Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC)
A Rocha International (Christians in Conservation)
Association of Religion Data Archives
Center For Large Landscape Conservation
Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life
Friends of the Earth - Middle East
ICCA Consortium (Indigenous peoples' and Community Conserved Areas and territories)
Institute for Theological Zoology
International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture
Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences
IUCN WCPA Cultural and Spiritual Values Specialist Group (CSVPA)
National Association of Evangelicals
Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Religion, Nature and Environmentalism
Sacred Natural Sites Initiative
The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale
World Wildlife Fund's Sacred Earth: Faiths for Conservation Program