SCBO 2014 CCO-05: Integrating Science with Participatory Conservation
For SCBO 2014 held in Suva, Fiji, Rosalynn Anderson-Lederer and Amanda Taylor of the VUW Chapter organized a symposium focused on pairing participatory projects with science-based methodology and practices to offer measurability for project outcomes. The symposium explored successful participatory conservation projects where science was incorporated and discuss ways to improve community conservation schemes. The VUW Chapter organizers specifically drew from the experience of SCB Oceania chapters, featuring talks from Monica Awasthy of the Sydney Chapter and Bart Cox of the VUW Chapter.
NACCB 2014 SYM 8: Challenging Boundaries: The Role of SCB Chapters in Broadening Conservation Engagement
In Missoula, Montana at NACCB 2014, Chapter Committee representatives Andrew Gregory and Marit Wilkerson organized a symposium that enabled representatives to showcase SCB Chapters that are deeply involved with their communities. This symposium highlights benefits received by scientists who have successfully integrated research with their local SCB Chapter. It also highlighted how chapter outreach improves leadership, organizational, communication skills, and the ability of scientists to apply their research to solve real-world problems. The symposium ended with a panel discussion on what engagement might mean for scientists and local chapters in the 21st century.
SCBO 2014 Special Lunchtime Chapter Workshop:
How and why to start an SCB Chapter
At SCBO 2014 in Suva, Fiji, Chapter Committee representative Rosalynn Anderson-Lederer (leader of the VUW Chapter) gave an energetic and informative guiding presentation on how and why to form a new SCB Chapter. Anderson-Lederer drew from her own considerable experience at just this thing and illustrated best practices and inspirational activities from Chapters all across the globe. Attendees asked questions about funding sources, jump-starting projects, and connections to SCB Global.
Capacity-Building for SCB Chapters
Capacity-building for SCB Chapters- Workshop at ICCB 2013
On Sunday, July 21st, 2013, speakers, leaders, and interested conference attendees gathered together for a full morning to share and discuss Chapter issues. Topics ranged from calls for advice on membership retention and leadership, showcasing successful projects, detailing processes for policy briefs or fundraising, and more. Participants of the workshop found the morning useful in providing specific ideas for solutions to common problems, fostering a network of global Chapter leaders, and inspiring people in new directions. Please see below for more information on general topics, agenda, and abstracts as well as full presentations.
- Download Chapters Capacity Building Workshop General Topics and Agenda
- Download Chapters Capacity Building Workshop Presentations
Capacity-Building for SCB Chapters in the 21st Century - San Jose, 2007
Delegates from SCB Chapters and other interested individuals around the world gathered in San Jose, California in 2007 and SCB's Annual Meeting to learn about other Chapters and the success stories they offered. The workshop "Capacity-Building for SCB Chapters in the 21st Century" took place on Saturday, June 24th. This workshop provided a unique forum for discussion of the development of SCB Chapters and their future relationships with each other and the parent Society. Please choose a link below to see some of the informational presented at the meeting:
- Abstracts
- Chapter Report - Fiona Nagle
- Strategic Planning and SCB
- The Role of Strategic Planning for Chapters
- Toronto Chapter - A Chapter is Born!
- Colorado State University - Membership Retention
- Minnesota Chapter - Balancing Science and Activism
- Bolivia Chapter - Experiences with Environmental Education
- University of California, Davis Chapter - Holding a Regional Conference
- Missouri Chapter - Maintaining Communications and Quality Student Research
- Colorado Plateau Chapter - Building Support in the Conservation Community