Africa Region Policy Committee
In 2007, the Board of Directors of the SCB Africa Region gave a directive to energize the Conservation, Policy, Education and Science Committee (COPESCO) as stated in the by-laws of the Africa Region. COPESCO will effectively conceptualize solutions to emerging challenges in African conservation and be a forum for creative thinking ultimately to support the science and practice of conserving Africa’s biological diversity and environment. The mission of COPESCO is to facilitate the knowledge of Conservation Biology in Africa.
COPESCO Position Paper on Biofuels
The Section Policy Committee was established as a replacement to the defunct Conservation, Policy, Education and Science Committee (COPESCO) that was established in 2007. The Section Policy Committee works closely with the Section Board and the Global Policy Committee of the Society. The main role of the Committee is to receive, review, and approve policy statements on biodiversity conservation related issues within the African continent. Members are encouraged to draft and submit policy statements to the Committee, following the Section Policy Guidelines (download here) For more information, contact Dr. Abraham Ekperusi (email).