African Conservation Telegraph
The African Conservation Telegraph (ACT) is the newsletter of the Africa Region of the Society for Conservation Biology and your window to the world of conservation in Africa.

"Like" ACT on Facebook and follow the newsletter on Twitter to stay abreast of conservation news in Africa and contribute to the conversation on biodiversity protection in Africa.
Meet the Editor
Lalarisoa Rakotoarimino, editor of ACT.
Lala is a doctoral candidate at the University of Antananarivo. Lala's focus is on social science & marketing approaches to conservation studies in Madagascar.
Call for Papers
Share your experiences and scientific observations, insights, and analysis of conservation in Africa and get published in ACT – a leader in the business of networking for and on behalf of conservation in the continent we all adore.
Current Issue - April 2023 (Vol 18. No 2)
- Valorisation des plantes médicinales à Madagascar - Rabarison Irène Odette, Dr Raharijaona Nivoniaina Fahendrena
- Conservation Communautaire de la Zone Clé de la Biodiversité du Lac Tseny - Hernandez, J. Francinel, Rabefaly, R. De l’Or, Andriantsimanarilafy, R. Raphali, Razafimanahaka H. Julie & Andriafidison, D.
- Implication de la communauté locale pour l’inventaire de la forêt de Mahatsara, Andasibe, Madagascar - Rio Heriniaina, Sariaka Rakotomalala, Hantanirina Rasamimanana
- Participative Ecological Monitoring for Improving Biodiversity Management in National Parks of Madagascar - Lalatiana Randriamiharisoa, Simplice Razafindranaivo, David Klinges and Brett Scheffers
Past Issues - February 2023 (Vol 18. No 1)
- Getting the ACT Right - Murali Pai
- A Whoop for the World's First Hyena Emoji - Arjun Dheer
- Art for Environmental Remediation - Colin Lyons
- Finns, Forests and Trees - Ismo Meinander
December 2022 (Vol 17. No 4)
- Sustainable use of the endemic wild silkworm (Borocera cajani) in the tapia woodland of Madagascar - Ravelomanana Andrianjaka, Razafimanantsoa Zo Tahiry Andrianaivo, Razafinjatovo Mamy Nantenaina, Rakotonirina Iangelo Jimmy, Raharisoa Eugenie
- A Kenyan Experience in Ecotourism - Samuel Juma
- SCB Africa Section: developing a framework for African Biodiversity Conservation - Israel Borokini
- Taking on the mantle - Badru Mugerwa
October 2022 (Vol 17. No 3)
- Gestion Intégrée et durable des écosystèmes Mangrove et Récifs, clés d’une économie bleue durable à Madagascar
- The importance of mangrove restoration: a case study of Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora mucronata in Ambodivahibe Marine Protected Area, Diana, Madagascar - Jacob Jeanot, Yacinthe Razafimandimby, Alexio Clovis Lohanivo, Rio Ridish Heriniaina
- ACT Editor Conferred the SCB Africa Section Presidential Service Award 2022 - Israel Borokini
- The 2022 Young Women in Conservation Biology (YWCB) biennial award - Janette Wallis
June 2022 (Vol 17. No 2)
- SCB Africa Section Hits a Sixer for E-Mentoring! - Tsholofelo Lori
- Aspect juridique de la coordination entre la politique de préservation de la biodiversité et le tourisme durable à Madagascar - RAMILIARISOA Ravo Holitiana, doctorantem, Pr. RABEMANANJARA Zo Hasina, Dr. RAKOTOSON Sitraka, RABE Haingo Lawrence, juriste
- Loi sur la biodiversité et agriculture durable à Madagascar - RABARISON Irène Odette
- Réglementation et situation actuelle de l’agriculture biologique à Madagascar - Fanjaniaina RASOAMANARIVO
- Evolution de la gestion et situation actuelle de la gouvernance des ressources marines et côtières à Madagascar - RANDRIANANTOANDRO Mihaly Domoinatiana
March 2022 (Vol 17. No 1)
- SCB Africa Section: Priorities and Outcomes - Israel Borokini
- Bonne Gouvernance Du Secteur Peche et Economie Bleu: Pilier de L'Emergence Economique - Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy, Madagascar
- Contribution du Suivi des Populations Ichtyologiques Dans La Gestion des Parks Marin Geres par Madagascar National Park - Andrianarivo Rakotovao et Lalatiana Randriamiharisoa
- Towards Sustainable Fisheries in Lake Itasy, Madagascar - Rolland Randriantiana, Mahaimanampisoa, Jean Elison Andriamialitina, Tahiana Andriaharimalala and Jean Robertin Rasoloariniaina
- A Preliminary Assessment of Fisheries in Lake Andranobe-Est in the Vakinankaratra Region, Madagascar - Jean Deux Amis Andriantahina and Jean Robertin Rasoloariniaina
- La Responsabilisation De La Communaute, Pierre Angulaire De La Reussite D'Un Projet De Development Durable - Foundation Tany Meva
December 2021 (Vol 16. No 4)
- A tusk bagged in Madagascar - Julie Razafimanahaka
- Bushmen of the Kalahari - Isobel Stewart
- L’Association KOLO ALA, vers une pérennisation des actions de conservation de l’Aire Protégée COFAV (Corridor Forestier Ambositra- Vondrozo) - Rija Jean Thierry Ramandraiarivony
- Protection des herbiers marins dans le nord de Madagascar
- Interview of the Month: Mr. Meindert Brouwer
- Perceptions de la population de la conservation des tortues marines et facteurs socio-économiques lies à leur l’exploitation dans le Nord Est de Madagascar - Rakotoarimino Voninjanahary Lalarisoa
Past Issues- October 2021 (Vol 16. No 3)
- Lake Tseny: the last refuge of the Pinstripe damba (Paretroplus menarambo) - Raphali R. Andrinatsimanarilafy, Jelot F. Hernandez, Daudet Andriafidison, Madagasikara Voakajy
- Suivi de la disponibilité de fruits d’Adansonia grandidieri dans les communes rurales de Befasy et Ampanihy - Daudet Andriafidision, Fetra Arivony Rakotondrazanany, Germain Fitasoa, Julie Hanta Razafimanahaka
- Influence du lieu de provenance des fruits sur la germination des graines et sur la croissance des plants d’Adansonia perrieri Capuron (Malvaceae) - Tonisoa Tabihamalala Ranaivoandriamanantena, Daudet Andriafidsion, Julie Hanta Razafimanahaka, Perle Ramavovololona
- Concours entre les communautés du nord pour une gestion durable des ressources marines
August 2021 (Vol 16. No 2)
- AFRICORN, a recent listserv for African ornithology
- Madagascar Pond-Heron (Ardeola idea) of Matsaboribiby Lake, National Park of Ankarafantsika - Razafindrakoto, Andriambololona, Razaiarimanana & Rabearivony
- Le Developpement de la Gestion Integree Des Zones Cotieres « GIZC » : Madagascar Modele de la Commission De L'Ocean Indien
- Complexe Tsimembo Manambolomaty, le refuge de l’aigle pêcheur de Madagascar
- Evolution de l'Ecosysteme Recifal du Parc National Marin de Masoala, Gere Par Madagascar National Parks - Andrianarivo Rakotovao, Taylor Veriza, Harinaina Léon Razafindralaisa, Mamy Rakotoarijaona, Jean Fidelis Rakotomanana, Lalatiana Randriamiharisoa
May 2021 (Vol 16. No 1)
- ACT With a Difference - Murali Pai
- How Can Behavioral Studies Assist in Conservation of Lemurs? - Princiah Rabary
- A Logo for the SCB Africa Section - Van Wangye
- SCB Africa Student Grantees - Israel Borokini
October 2020 (Vol. 15 No 3)
- A Tribute to Dame Georgina Mace - Stuart L. Pimm
- Photo Identification as a Tool to Study Sea Turtle Populations in Kenyan Marine Protected Areas - Joana Hancock, Jenni Choma, Leah Mainye, Martin Stelfox and Jillian Hudgins
- Black is Beautiful at Laikipia, Kenya - Cosmas Nzomo
- The Forgotten Chimpanzees of Uganda - Xavier Pedrol Medialdea
July 2020 (Vol. 15 No 2)
- The Soul(é) of Conservation - Stuart L. Pimm
- A Requiem for the Father of Conservation Biology - Cristina Eisenberg
- Walking the Ebo Forest of Cameroon Before the Next Pandemic - Eric DJomo Nana
- Strengthening Biosecurity Preparedness in Africa - Ifeanyi Nsofor
April 2020 (Vol. 15 No 1)
- Remains of an American Day - Peter Kent
- One Health in Nigeria - Ifeanyi M. Nsofor
- The Unconscious Biases Between People and Nature - Falko Buschke
- The Impacts of COVID-19 on Conservation - Valery Binda Aghah
December 2019 (Vol. 14 No 3)
- Editorial: Managing Invasive Species in Africa - Murali Pai
- In Memoriam: Richard Nelson - Naturalist, Ethnographer and Author of the Arctic - J. Craig George
- Management of Invasive Species in Nigeria - Timothy Oluwafemi Ajiboye, Ahmed A. Alowonle, Clement Michael, Moruf Ajani, Priscilla Aladele, Kareem Rachael Ayomide, Oluwasegun P. Praise, Oladebeye Clement Oluwaseyi
- A Satanic Shrub - Xavier Pedrol Medialdea
- Managing the Threat from Below: Impacts of Invasive Fish on African Amphibians - Daniel F. Hughes
August 2019 (Vol. 14 No 2)
- In Memoriam -- A Force of Nature - Murali Pai
- Conserving the Devils of Ghana - Kofi Amponsah-Mensah and Yaa Ntiamoa-Baidu
- Priorities for Conserving Bats in Nigeria - Iroro Tanshi and Benneth Obitte
- Bat Roosting Crisis in Kenya - Simon Musila, Paul W. Webala, Robert Syingi, Aziza Zuhura, Jens Rydell
- Bats of Saoura Valley in Algeria - Hibat Ellah Loumassine, Benjamin Allegrini, Farid Bounaceur, Mohammed Lamine Bendjeddou and Stéphane Aulagnier
- Bats Roosting – Switch-off the Lights, Please! - Jens Rydell, Magnus Gelang, Simon Musila, Aziza Zuhura, Robert Syingi and Paul W. Webala
May 2019 (Vol. 14 No. 1)
- In Memoriam -- The Man Who Loved Frogs - Steven J.R. Allain
- Guest Editorial -- How Much Do We Really Know About Amphibian Conservation in Africa? - Daniel F. Hughes
- Status Report of Amphibian Conservation in Nigeria - Oluwakayode M. Coker and Otobong M. Isong
- Bioacoustic Identification of Anuran Diversity in the Gitarama and Mugesera Wetlands of Rwanda - Mapendo Mindje and Lambert Tumushimire
- A New Record of the Upper Guinean Grassland Frog in the Fouta Djalon Highlands - N’Goran Germain Kouamé, Nyan Sangbé, Etienne Dramane Yombouno, and Jean Cassaigne
- The World’s Biggest Frog - Ursla Koumbo
December 2018 (Vol.13, No. 2)
- Editorial -- Rhino Conservation in Africa - Murali Pai
- Rhino Conservation in Africa - Adesina Olufemi Samson
- Teetering on the Brink: Zimbabwe's Black Rhinos - Susie Ellis and Kelly Russo
- Rhino Population Structure and Growth During a Poaching Crisis: the DNA Toolbox - Gayle Pedersen
- Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, Uganda: A Unique Center for Conservation and Research - Rhino Fund Uganda
- Rewilding with Rhinos: The Return of the Megaherbivores to Botswana - Rhino Conservation Botswana
June 2018 (Vol. 13, No. 1)
- Editorial -- Antelopes of Africa - Murali Pai
- How Many Species of Wild Ruminants are There in Africa? -Colin Groves
- The Land of Antelopes - Ludwig Siege
- Hirola Conservation in Kenya - Abdullahi Hussein Ali
- Back from the Brink-- The Sahelo-Saharan Antelopes - Yasmina Khaznawi
- Niche Partitioning in African-Antelopes - Sinalo Malindie, Daryl Codron, and Falko Buschke
- A Leaf Out of My Album - Dionne Shepherd
December 2017 (Vol.12 No. 4)
- Editorial – Continental Ties in Primate Conservation - Murali Pai
- The Ultimate Classifier – Colin Groves - Murali Pai
- How my book Primate Taxonomy was conceived - Colin Groves
- Art without Borders - Murali Pai
- A Compassionate Mind – The Life’s work of Sheila Siddle - Natasha Tworoski
- Conserving Africa’s Great Apes: Lessons Learned - PJ Stephenson & Christina Ellis
- Chimpanzees in the Land of Gold - Kelly Boyer Ontl
- Building resilient cities: the case of primates in urban areas - Benis Egoh
- Rita Miljo: The Woman Who Loved Baboons
October 2017 (Vol. 12, No. 3)
- Editorial – Endangered Birds of Africa - Murali Pai
- The Vanishing Birds of the Taita hills - Luca Borghesio
- Conservation of the Mount Cameroon Francolin - Francis Guetse, Taku Awa II, David Hořák and Richard Tamungang
- Conservation of the threatened Red-headed Picathartes - Guilain Tsetagho
- A Little-Known Wattle-Eye - Aghah Valery Binda
- The red-feathered king of Bamenda Highlands - Alain Senghor K. Ngute
- The Endearing Greys of Cameroon - Israel Bionyi
- The Threatened Birds of Liberia - Benedictus Freeman
April 2017 (Vol. 12, No. 2)
- Editorial – Wildlife Art in Africa - Murali Pai
- To Africa, With Love: Meet Dao Van Hoang - Murali Pai
- Africa's Charismatic Bird - Luca Borghesio
- Gangly Long Legs - Anne-Marie Gordon
- Painted to Last - Alison Nicholls
- The Rock Climber - Sofiya Sukhova
- Lion Man from Soweto - Radhika Perrot
- In search of baobabs - Gillian Condy
January 2017 (Vol. 12, No. 1)
- Editorial – Climate Change in Africa - Murali Pai
- All-Weather-Conservationist: Meet Tilo Nadler - Murali Pai
- The Itombwe Golden Frog’s Uncertain Future - Eli Greenbaum
- Climate Change, Biodiversity Early Warning Systems, and Africa’s Future - Phoebe Barnard
- Rockjumpers and Climate Change in the Fynbos - Krista N. Oswald, Alan T.K. Lee, Susan J. Cunningham, and Ben Smit
- Making Green Growth Work in Uganda - Paul Basudde
- Climate Change Research Agenda for Africa - Santosh Kumar Mishra
November 2016 (Vol. 10, No. 3)
- Editorial – Wildlife Trade in Africa - Murali Pai
- Meet the Conservationist: To Strive, To Campaign, To Ban, and Not To Yield - Grace Ge Gabriel by Murali Pai
- The Hunt for Sustainability in African Rainforests: Bushmeat and Hunter-gatherers - by Andrew J. Noss and Daniel J. Ingram
- New Partnership to Preserve Legacy Wildlife Research - by Monica Morrison
- Bushmeat Consumption in Yangambi, Tshopo Province, DRC - by Kambale Nyumu J., Yiwei Wang, Gambalemoke Mbalitini S., Shabani Ekyamba I., Kasereka Vitekere, Musubaho Kako L., & Nathalie Van Vliet
- Communities Day at CITES: an Alternative Conservation Voice - by Clara Bocchino
- ACCB 2016 - by Israel Borokini
August 2016 (Vol. 10, No. 2)
- Editorial – Renewable Energy for Africa - by Murali Pai and Nyoh Israel Binoyi
- Meet the Conservationist: Backpacking with Clean Energy - Katrin Puetz - by Murali Pai
- Raising the bar for off-grid solar deployment in Tanzania - by Sachi DeCou
- Renewable energy for refugee settlements in Uganda - by David K. Nkwanga
- Cameroon’s Tryst with Renewable Energy - by Ngoh Dong Augustine and Israel Bionyi
- Africa Section News
April 2016 (Vol. 10, No. 1)
- Editorial – One Health in Africa - by Murali Pai and Nyoh Israel Binoyi
- Time to scale-up innovations in tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment - by Madhukar Pai
- AWARE in Kenya by - Jennifer Mwangi and Lynn Wilson
- Meet the Conservationist: A Passion for the Ocean – Kerry Sink - by Phoebe Barnard
- An interesting case of science-policy interface in Tanzania - by Claudia Sometti, Massimo Zortea and Silvia Ricci
- Ecovillage Design Education for Sustainable Development in Cameroon - by Joshua Konkankoh
- New SCB Chapters in Africa - by Israel Borokini
- The Upcoming 3rd African Congress for Conservation Biology – Morocco 2016 - by Tuyeni Heita Mwampamba
Water Issues in the Horn of Africa is a special issue written by Murali Pai as part of the Centre for Science and Environment’s SEM Media Fellowship.
December 2015 (Vol. 9, No. 3)
- Editorial: Field ecological studies in Africa - by Murali Pai
- Meet the Conservationist: Friend of Farmers of the Savanna and Forest – Alan Kemp - by Murali Pai
- Working to Find Ways to Conserve the Southern Ground-Hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) - by Lucy Kemp
- Why is Shade-grown Coffee Good For Birds and Farmers? by Evan R. Buechley
- Making-a-difference in West Africa – Community-based Chimpanzee Conservation in Guinea Bissau by Tamara Oliveira
- Monitoring Unprotected Important Bird Areas in Africa: The Case of Mount Mbam Forest, Cameroon by Alain Senghor K. Ngute and Mark Hulme
- Protecting An Iconic Species in South Africa by Jason A. Turner
- Protecting the Desert Elephants of Mali during War and Peace: A Network of International, Regional, National and Local Partnerships by Susan Canney, Nomba Ganame and Vance G. Martin
- Linking Socio-economic and Ecological Systems: Long-term Monitoring of Small-scale Fisheries Along the South African Coastline by Denise M. Mager, Mafaniso Hara, Mzamo Maqebaa and Abongile Ngqongwa
September 2015 (Vol. 9, No. 2)
- Editorial – Continental Ties in Wildlife Rehabilitation - by Murali Pai and Israel Bionyi
- Every Calf Counts – The Continental Ties in Rhino Rehabilitation by Karen Trendler
- Caring for Wild Africa by Petronel Nieuwoudt
- The Essentials of Wildlife Rehabilitation by Kai Williams
- Primate Rehabilitation in Africa – Myths and Realities by Tatyana Humle and Kay H. Farmer
- Wildlife Rehabilitation in Cameroon by Israel Binoyi
- Rehabilitation of Raptors in Kenya by Zoe Gibbs
- A Model Wildlife Rescue Centre in Ethiopia by Adam M. Roberts and Claudio Sillero
- Meet the Conservationist: Ludwig Siege by Murali Pai
- Report of the Africa Section Business Meeting, held on August 5, 2015 during the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology by Israel Borokini
April 2015 (Vol. 9, No. 1)
- April ACT Editorial - by Murali Pai and Israel Bionyi
- A Brief History of Tsavo National Park - by Dame Daphne Sheldrick
- A Wetland Named Miracle - by Peter Chadwick
- The History of Conservation in Amboseli National Park - by Amanda Lewis
- Using Science for Marine Protected Area Management in Kenya - by Jennifer O'Leary and Arthur Tuda
- Why Yankari Is A Big Deal - by Salamatu Fada
- The Business of Managing Protected Areas in Africa by Cynthia Walley
- Meet the Conservationist: Jean Lydall by Murali Pai
- Africa Section Issues Position Statement on Oil Palm Expansion in Africa
December 2014 (Vol. 8, No. 1)
- The Status of Conservation Education in Africa - by Murali Pai
- In Memoriam: Kate McFadden
- Schools in the Bush - by Patrick Bergin
- A Pioneering Wildlife College - by Kevin Robertson
- The Importance of the Sapo Conservation Centre in Liberia - by Mary Molokwu
- The APLORI Story - by Stephen Awoyemi and Mary Molokwu
- Conservation in the Schools of Cameroon - by Israel Bionyi
- Wildlife Management in Ethiopian Universities - Can a Pen Move Mountains? - by Murali Pai and Tekele Serekebirhan
- Mentoring Young Conservation Practitioners in Africa - by Stephen Awoyemi
- Meet the Conservationist: Ivo Strecker - by Murali Pai
- On Enrolling Members and Opening Chapters in the Africa Section - by Fola Babalola
- Young Women in Conservation Biology Award - Call for Nominations
- Vol. 3, No. 1 (November 2008)
- Vol. 2, No. 1 (November 2005)
- Vol. 1, No. 2 (November 2004)
- Vol. 1, No. 1 (May 2004)